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Rhinoplasty FAQs: What are the benefits in getting a Nose Job?

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Dr. Bruce Kadz Rhinoplasty FAQs: What are the benefits in getting a Nose Job?

Rhinoplasty, known colloquially as a nose job, is the most commonly performed facial cosmetic procedure. However, it isn’t just used for cosmetic purposes. At Kadz Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills, CA, Dr. Bruce Kadz has over two decades of experience helping his clients improve their self-esteem and quality of life. If you’re looking for the answers to the most frequently asked questions about this procedure, you’ve come to the right place.

The Most Frequently Asked Questions About Rhinoplasty Answered

What Should I Expect When I Get a Nose Job?

What you should expect during a nose job primarily depends on why you are seeking rhinoplasty in the first place. If you are only trying to augment your nose, Dr. Bruce Kadz will implant cartilage from your nasal septum to enhance your nose’s appearance.

If you had a nose job performed by a less-than-qualified surgeon in the past, cartilage may be donated from another part of your body. Most commonly, when the cartilage is not donated from the nasal septum, it is donated from the ear or rib. If you need cartilage donated from another part of your body to achieve your desired aesthetic, Dr. Bruce Kadz will discuss your options with you during your initial consultation.

How Long Does the Rhinoplasty Procedure Take?

This is something else that is primarily determined by the goal you are trying to accomplish. If you’re simply seeking this procedure to enhance the appearance of your nose, it may only take an hour or two.

In contrast, if you are seeking rhinoplasty to reconstruct your nose after a traumatic injury or you aren’t satisfied with the results of a previous nose job, the procedure can take anywhere from 2.5 to three hours.

Will You Break My Nose During the Rhinoplasty Procedure?

No. There is no need for your nose to be broken during your nose job. There are very rare cases where the change required to the shape of the nose is so extreme that breaking the nose is necessary.

However, Dr. Bruce Kadz has been performing nose jobs for over 20 years and can shift your nose into a more aesthetically appealing position without having to break and reset your nose. This holds true for cases ranging from a simple aesthetic enhancement to reconstructing the nose after a sports injury or motor vehicle accident.

Will the Rhinoplasty Procedure Be Painful?

No. Your procedure will not be painful or uncomfortable at all. The medications used to ensure your comfort depend on such factors as your heart and lung health and the complexity of the procedure. If the procedure required to achieve your ideal results is complex and extensive and your heart and lungs are healthy, you will be administered general anesthesia.

General anesthesia is a medicine that simultaneously blocks signals sent to an individual’s pain receptors so he or she cannot feel pain and puts him or her to sleep. If only a simple procedure is required, an injectable local anesthetic may be used. In such cases, twilight sedation is usually used, leaving you awake but relaxed.

What Should I Expect During the Preparation Process?

The preparation process for this procedure is simple. The first step in preparing for the procedure is to come in for an initial consultation. If Dr. Bruce Kadz determines that you are a good candidate, he will provide you with a comprehensive list of instructions on how to prepare. A non-comprehensive summary of critical preparation steps include not consuming tobacco, not drinking alcohol, and preparing for your recovery.

Other things you should avoid in the week leading up to your procedure include certain cosmetics, cosmetic treatments, and topical prescription medications. For example, you should not use any cosmetic products that contain retinol (Retin-A). This ingredient is found most commonly in such products as anti-aging creams and anti-acne creams. You should also avoid any cosmetic treatments, like chemical peels, that may cause photosensitivity or irritation.

How Should I Prepare in the Week Leading Up to My Rhinoplasty Procedure?

In the week leading up to your procedure, eat as much healthy food as you can. We strongly recommend that you eat something healthy every five hours. If you usually eat at 6 AM, noon, and 6 PM, eat a small, healthy snack between breakfast and lunch and lunch and dinner. If you’re not usually hungry between meals, eat a handful of almonds or a small bowl of fruit that won’t make you feel uncomfortably full.

It’s not uncommon to lose your appetite for the first few days after your procedure. If you’re not hungry, it can be difficult to get enough micronutrients for your skin and cartilage to recover post-op. Making sure you’re getting enough micronutrients before your procedure will go a long way towards ensuring a smooth recovery. Other things you should do in the week leading up to your procedure include:

  • Drinking at least half an ounce of water per pound of bodyweight daily
  • Wearing a broad-spectrum SPF 30+ sunblock
  • Sleeping at least 7.5 hours per night
  • Resting – don’t go for any personal bests while working out
  • Taking vitamin C daily
  • Exfoliating and moisturizing your skin
  • Filling your prescription antibiotics and analgesics
  • Preparing loose, comfy clothes to wear on the day of your procedure
  • Taking Arnica Montana supplements the night before your procedure

How Should I Prepare for My Recovery?

There are several things you should do to prepare for your recovery. The most important thing you can do in this regard is preparing your recovery room. After your procedure, you will want to have a relaxing environment to rest in for a few days. Make sure you have everything you need for your comforts, such as a blanket, plenty of pillows, a relaxing source of entertainment, and a table, desk, or nightstand nearby to keep plenty of water.

We recommend prepping meals for the seven days following your procedure. Burritos make for great make-ahead breakfasts because they keep well in the fridge or freezer and reheat well. Casseroles and quiches are also great options. Lunch can be as simple as a spinach salad, and dinner can be pasta- or rice-based as long as you include a side of fruits or vegetables. Remember, nutrition is crucial in the first-week post-op.

What Should I Expect During My Initial Consultation?

Several critical things will occur during your initial consultation. Dr. Bruce Kadz will review your medical history to determine whether you are healthy enough to undergo this procedure. While reviewing your medical history, he will also talk to you about any drugs and supplements you may be taking. This is important to know because there are certain medications you can’t take in the weeks leading up to your procedure.

For example, you should avoid taking any NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen and aspirin in the two weeks leading up to your procedure. Other common drugs and supplements that affect bleeding include garlic supplements, ginger supplements, ginseng, and Celebrex. Seven days before your procedure, stop taking St. John’s Wort. This supplement may cause contraindications with anesthesia.

What Should I Expect During the Recovery Process?

In the 24 hours following your procedure, you may feel groggy or sleepy. This is perfectly normal for someone who has just received a sedative, whether it is general anesthesia or twilight sedation. You may not operate a motor vehicle or any other heavy machinery or equipment. Therefore, you should have someone to drive you to and from your procedure.

Since you may feel groggy in the first 24 hours post-op, we strongly recommend that you arrange for someone to stay with you and help take care of you during this time. If you have pets, make sure there is someone who can bend over and feed your pets, play with them and supervise them. If you have children, try to explain to them that you will need your space for a while.

How Long Does the Recovery Process Take?

It can take anywhere from 12 to 14 months for your skin to recover fully from your procedure. However, it only takes around six weeks for your bones and cartilage to heal from the procedure. How long it will take you to feel like your old self after your procedure depends, but you will probably feel tired for one to three days post-op.

When Can I Get Back to Work?

How long you should take off from work to focus on your recovery depends on what you do for a living. If you have an office job that doesn’t require you to stoop and lift regularly, you can get back to work a week after your procedure. Contrastingly, if you have an active job that requires nearly constant walking, lifting, and carrying, you should plan to take two weeks off from work.

When Can I Hit the Gym Again?

As ready as you may feel to hit the gym after the first one to three days of resting, it’s crucial that you don’t rush into things. Your body still needs more time to rest. As difficult as it is, doesn’t do any intense workouts for the first six weeks post-op. This means that you should not be doing bodyweight resistance exercises, resistance training with free weights or dumbbells, or intense cardio, like swimming, rowing, or cycling uphill.

Can I Wear Glasses After My Procedure?

No. You should not wear glasses in the six weeks following your procedure. The less pressure you put on your newly shaped nose, the faster your bones and cartilage will heal. We recommend asking your ophthalmologist or optometrist for a prescription for contacts. If you don’t want to wear contacts, order a device online that suspends the frames of your glasses so they’re not putting pressure on your nose.

Can I Blow My Nose After My Procedure?

No. It is not advisable to blow your nose during the first two weeks following your procedure. If your nose feels stuffy, use a saline nasal drip to break up any congestion you have without blowing your nose and slowing your healing process.

The easiest thing to do would be to send someone to the store to buy you a saline nasal drip to break up the congestion in your nose. However, you can also make your own saline spray at home with just baking soda, distilled water, table salt and a drip bottle or syringe. Simply mix eight ounces of distilled water with half of a teaspoon of baking soda and half of a teaspoon of table salt. Just make sure the water isn’t too hot.


Discover How to Refine Your Facial Features Today

If you are dissatisfied with the size or shape of your nose, rhinoplasty may be right for you. If you have any further questions about this procedure or would like to find out definitively if you are a good candidate, we welcome you to contact us at Kadz Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills, CA today to schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Bruce Kadz. See you soon!