Brow/Forehead Lift
in Beverly Hills, CA

Browlifts can revitalize and correct sagging or low position eyebrows, which create a tired or sad appearance, deep horizontal creases across the forehead, and frown lines between and across the top of the nose. The procedure may be done in conjunction with other surgeries such as facelift and eyelid to achieve a more harmonious and youthful facial appearance. Additionally, younger adults who have a low brow or who already have deep frown lines due to stress or over activity of muscles may benefit from the procedure.
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The Procedure
There are a variety of ways to elevate the brows and correct aging changes in the forehead area. There are three commonly used techniques: coronal lift, endoscopic lift, and subcutaneous lift. Dr. Kadz will closely examine your entire forehead and upper eyelid region, noting the muscle activity when you assume various facial expressions. The particular surgical technique that he will recommend will depend on many factors such as the position of your eyebrows, the amount of excess upper eyelid skin and the height of your hairline.
The most common and long lasting of the techniques is a Coronal Lift, where an incision is made across the top of the scalp, beginning above the ears and hidden within the hair. This incision allows for the muscles (frontalis, procerus, and corrugators) that cause horizontal forehead wrinkles and scowling to be altered. About a 1-2 cm strip of the scalp will be removed and the remaining scalp will be sewn together. The incision is designed to be inconspicuous when healed. Additionally, this process allows for removal of excess skin and lifts your eyebrows to a more pleasing level. Although this may sound gruesome, it is the oldest and most reliable technique in brow lift surgery.
After the Surgery
You will notice some temporary puffiness and discoloration that may involve the eyelid and cheek areas as well. Typically, swelling and bruising will be almost totally resolved within a couple of weeks. You may use camouflage makeup almost immediately. If incisions were placed in front of the hairline, you should be careful not to apply makeup directly on any stitches. Expect temporary numbness and possibly some itching of the scalp as the nerves heal.
Any head dressings and drain tubes that have been inserted are usually removed one or two days after surgery. Showering and washing your hair will be delayed a day or two later. You will be able to resume most of your normal activities in ten days or less. You will be advised to wait several weeks before resuming strenuous activity and exercise and should temporarily avoid exposure to direct sunlight and, for the long-term, be conscientious about the use of a sunblock to protect your skin.

Want to Learn More About Brow/Forehead Lift in Beverly Hills, CA?
If you’re considering a Brow/Forehead Lift and want to learn more about your options in the Beverly Hills area, call us at (980) 372-5239 or fill out our online contact form today!