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Brazilian Buttock Lift
in Beverly Hills, CA

Curvy woman with her hand on her hip

The silhouette of a woman’s body has been synonymous with glamour for centuries. This shape of elegance is easily recognized by its feminine curves, especially in the lower end. The Brazilian Buttock Lift is designed to give women the ideal shape, with added suppleness to the buttocks through the use of fat transfer.

For those who desire a fuller, more rounded rear end, a Brazilian Buttock Lift could be the perfect solution. Dr. Bruce Kadz performs Brazilian Buttock Lifts in Beverly Hills to help patients achieve their ideal curves and restore confidence in their appearance.

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Dr. Kadz sitting on a couch

What Is a Brazilian Buttock Lift?

The Brazilian Buttock Lift (BBL) is a surgical procedure that enhances the size and shape of the buttocks while providing additional body contouring benefits to the rest of your figure. A BBL consists of a three part procedure: liposuction, fat purification, and fat injection. This process essentially takes unwanted fat from another body area, purifies the fat, then injects the fat into the buttocks to create the ideal curves. Because the surgery uses fat from your own body, it is often considered one of the most natural ways to add shape and definition to your buttocks.

Am I a Candidate for a BBL?

If you’ve been wanting to enhance the shape and size of your buttocks and also receive body contouring benefits for your whole silhouette, you may be a good fit for a BBL in Beverly Hills. A personalized consultation with Dr. Kadz is the best way to determine if your body goals can be achieved with this procedure.

Other factors that may make you a good candidate for a BBL include the following:

  • Being generally healthy
  • Being at a stable weight
  • Having a sufficient amount of excess fat
  • Wanting to reshape and resize the buttocks
  • Having realistic expectations for the procedure and results

Schedule your consultation with Dr. Kadz to learn if a BBL can achieve your aesthetic vision.

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Dr. Kadz having a consultation with a patient

What Are My Brazilian Buttock Lift Options?

Each Brazilian Buttock Lift is tailored to fit the unique needs of the patient. While the essential steps of a BBL will remain the same, the areas where unwanted fat may be removed will vary.

Common body areas that are used as “donor sites” for BBL fat transfer include:

  • Stomach
  • Flanks
  • Hips
  • Thighs
  • Arms
  • Lower back

During your consultation with Dr. Kadz, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss areas of concern and what regions you would like to have liposuction for the fat transfer. Depending on your desired buttock size, Dr. Kadz will help you choose body areas with a sufficient amount of fat to create your ideal outcome.

reception area of the surgical practice

How Is a BBL Performed?

Brazilian Buttock Lift surgery is done under anesthesia to ensure the comfort of the patient. First, liposuction is performed on the selected treatment areas to obtain the donor fat. Once the fat has been gathered, it will need to be processed and purified to prepare it for reinjection. When the fat is ready, Dr. Kadz will inject it into strategic locations in the buttocks to augment and reshape the region effectively. It is important to note that due to the body’s absorption process, more fat than the desired amount will need to be injected initially to ensure that the chosen size can be achieved after some of the fat is absorbed.

What Is BBL Recovery Like?

As with any surgical procedure, the recovery process may change from person to person, which is why Dr. Kadz handles each patient with unique care and attention. However, you can expect to fully experience your beautiful new curves within a few weeks. During the first couple of weeks, you’ll experience significant swelling and bruising. By the third week, swelling will start to improve, and many patients are able to return to their daily activities. During weeks four to six, swelling will continue to subside, and many patients feel back to normal at this time.

Since everyone’s recovery is unique, it is important to stay in close contact with Dr. Kadz throughout your journey. Dr. Kadz will provide aftercare instructions specific to your procedure and will monitor your recovery progress to make sure that your body is healing according to plan.

What Results Can I Expect After a Brazilian Buttock Lift?

Brazilian Buttock Lift results are designed to be long-lasting, and the transferred fat that remains after the fat absorption process is meant to last permanently. However, the transferred fat will act like any other fat in your body, meaning it is susceptible to changing with weight fluctuations and the natural aging process. A balanced, healthy diet and consistent exercise regimen are encouraged to help maintain your natural BBL results.

How Much Does a BBL Cost in Beverly Hills?

During your initial consultation, Dr. Kadz will discuss the full process in detail as it pertains to your unique situation. When planning to pay for a BBL, it is essential to understand the associated costs that contribute to the total price. On top of the surgeon’s fee, you can expect to pay for anesthesia fees, surgical facility costs, compression garments, and pain medications.

Your aesthetic goals don’t have to be out of reach because of the cost. Our office offers a range of financing options for BBL procedures. Dr. Kadz will discuss cost and financing specifics with you during your consultation.

Back side of a fit woman

Want to Learn More About Brazilian Buttock Lifts in Beverly Hills, CA?

If you’re considering a BBL and want to learn more about your options in the Beverly Hills area, call us at (980) 372-5239 or fill out our online contact form today!