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How to work out with wine (bottles)

Posted April 13, 2016 in General

How to work out with wine (bottles)

Who says that alcohol and exercise don’t mix? Well actually we did say that a few articles ago. However, exceptions can be made! The wine bottle workout craze is one of the most bizarre things to hit the internet since the gold dress (or was it blue?). What may surprise you even more is that the wine bottle exercises can actually give you a great workout. Dumbbells aren’t always readily available at the house, but with a quick glance to your wine rack, you may have everything you need for a great workout!

How did this start?
The wine bottle craze started when health coach April Storey began posting videos on social media documenting her weight loss journey, as well as the unconventional workout methods she has used to get fit. She uses full bottles of wine in place of low weight dumbbells to perform many popular full body workout routines. Before long, April’s videos went completely viral with over 25 million views on her original video. The wine isn’t only a resistance weight for April, its also a reward. In her videos she can be seen taking a sip of wine after a set as a reward for her hard work. Counter productive? Maybe, but if it motivates you, then more power to you.

How do I workout with wine?
When asked about the bizarre nature of her workout routine, April explained “I want to show people with my videos that fitness is something you can do every day, you can do it anywhere, and you can use anything,” she said. “You don’t have to have equipment. You don’t have to spend a lot of money.” This is the basic thought behind the workout – it can be done any time you have open space, and of course a couple bottles of your favorite vino. The wine workout replaces dumbbells or kettlebells with a bottle of wine for popular exercises such as:

• Bicep curls
• Tricep kickbacks
• Weighted lunges
• Lateral raises
• Shoulder press

Not everyone has the time to get to the gym, but this simple wine routine can give you a total body workout without ever leaving your wine cellar.

If your overall goal is weight loss, it is important to remember that heavy drinking makes burning fat significantly more difficult. Your body will always seek to metabolize alcohol over fat, which means anytime there is alcohol in your system, your body is not going to burning stored fat.