A protruding midsection can make you feel self-conscious, to say the least. However, at Kadz Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills, CA, we can change all of that. We offer the tummy tuck, a procedure that can transform your midsection and help it look nothing short of perfection.
For women, a protruding midsection can make you look as though you’re pregnant when you are not and ruin a form-fitting outfit. For men, it can sabotage your goals of achieving an ideal physique and cause you to feel self-conscious in everything from workout clothes to a full-piece suit. This procedure will eliminate that protruding abdomen, tighten the skin, and help you achieve a toned midsection.
Who Should Consider Getting a Tummy Tuck?
There are many different individuals who should consider undergoing a tummy tuck, a procedure that is technically known as abdominoplasty. This procedure can help patients from different walks of life achieve the midsection of their dreams and maintain it long-term.
Whether you are a mother who has undergone one or multiple pregnancies and want your midsection back, or you’ve undergone a significant weight loss journey and have excess fat and skin in your midsection that you just can’t seem to get rid of, you may qualify for this procedure. We can customize this procedure to help you reach your aesthetic goals and achieve the best midsection ever.
You’ve Undergone One or More Pregnancies
There are some women who can snap right back after pregnancy. And then, there is the majority who struggle with their post-baby body and just can’t seem to lose that excess fat or address loose skin in their abdomen. Obviously, the abdomen bears the brunt of bodily changes during pregnancy. It expands to an impressive size, but once there’s no longer a baby to accommodate, the results can make you feel devastated.
Improving Your Midsection Post-Baby
If you no longer recognize your midsection post-pregnancy, you are not alone. Millions of women are right there alongside you and are struggling to wrap their minds around their new proportions and the shockingly different appearance of their midsection. However, there is a solution that can transform your midsection and make it better than it’s ever been.
The tummy tuck will address every imperfection with your midsection, including stubborn fat pockets, loose skin, and weak abdominal muscles. You don’t have to live with a midsection that you don’t love, and you can have the best of both worlds. You can have your baby and a great set of abdominals. This procedure can help transform your abdomen, and just like having a baby, it’s a decision that you will never regret making.
You Have Recently Undergone a Significant Weight Loss
A significant weight loss is a good thing, but it can also leave you with unwanted stubborn fat in your midsection as well as loose skin. There’s only so much you can do to combat skin laxity from the comfort of your own home, and even those in-office non-invasive skin tightening treatments can only do so much.
If a significant weight loss has helped you reach your goal weight but has left you with an excessive amount of loose skin in your midsection, a tummy tuck can change everything. We can remove all of that excess skin, use liposuction to remove those pockets of stubborn fat, and tighten the remaining tissue to help your midsection match the rest of your body. You’ll love your results, you’ll feel more confident, and you’ll be able to show off your new body with pride.
Your Midsection Is Defined By Loose Skin and Excess Fat
You can still have excess skin and fat in your midsection even if you didn’t recently lose a significant amount of weight. Sometimes a combination of genetics and the aging process can cause your abdomen to be defined by loose skin and pockets of stubborn fat.
This procedure can help resolve these concerns and help you look and feel your best. Once you remove the fat and skin that your diet and lifestyle choices cannot address, you’ll feel more confident in whatever you choose to wear, and you’ll no longer feel self-conscious about that protruding midsection.
You Aren’t Happy With Your Midsection
Simply not liking the appearance of your midsection is a reason in and of itself to consider undergoing this procedure. If you’ve never been happy with how your midsection looks because it has too much fat, skin, or other imperfections that you cannot address on your own, this procedure can make a world of difference.
It can help you achieve the midsection of your dreams all during one procedure. Once you achieve a perfect stomach, you will be more than glad that you took the step to invest in your confidence and your appearance.
The Qualities That Make a Good Abdominoplasty Candidate
If you’ve been considering a tummy tuck, you probably have excess skin and fat that you just can’t seem to get rid of on your own. This procedure will make all of your abdominal dreams come true, but some qualifications are necessary for you to be considered a good candidate for this procedure. As long as you possess those qualities, you can begin the process and undergo a procedure that can deliver life-changing results.
You Are Committed To Maintaining Your Results
It’s important that before undergoing this procedure, you understand that you are responsible for maintaining your results. This procedure will eliminate excess fat, but you need to live a healthy lifestyle, eat a healthy diet, and exercise regularly to promote long-lasting results. Weight gain after a tummy tuck will impact your results.
The Importance of Maintaining Your Goal Weight
Your stomach will not look as tight and toned if you gain weight because there’s no way to guarantee that the fat cells remaining in the abdominal area will not expand with weight gain.
However, this is easy to avoid as long as you stay within five to ten pounds of your healthy goal weight. Most patients find that once they experience their results, they are more motivated than ever to maintain them and will do whatever it takes to avoid sabotaging their new, tight, and toned midsection.
You Don’t Plan on Becoming Pregnant After Your Procedure
Another qualifier that will make you eligible for this procedure is that you do not plan on having additional children after your procedure. If you do plan on having more children, it’s important that you wait until you your family is complete before undergoing a tummy tuck.
An additional pregnancy after a tummy tuck has been completed will sabotage your results. Pregnancy after this procedure expands the midsection and will lead to weakened abdominal muscles and excess, loose skin or fat. For that reason, we advise women to plan accordingly so that they can experience long-term results.
You Are in Good Health
As with any surgical procedure, it is important that you are in good health prior to your surgical appointment. During your consultation, our surgeon will review your medical history and your current health to ensure that you qualify as a good candidate for this procedure.
If you are a smoker, it is imperative that you refrain from smoking and quit, if possible several weeks before your procedure. Smoking will impact your ability to heal and recover, so it’s important that you make every effort to promote optimal health and make healthy lifestyle choices.
You Have Realistic Expectations
One of the most important aspects of this procedure is having realistic expectations. It’s important that you are realistic about the procedure, your results, and your recovery. Knowing exactly what to expect, how you need to prepare, and the steps you need to take during the recovery process will all work together to make this procedure the best experience possible.
Our surgical team will help prepare you for this procedure, walk you through all of the details, and help you know what you need to do before and after so that you can walk into your procedure confident and ready to experience a true transformation.
Experience the Benefits of a Tight and Toned Midsection
If your midsection has always been a thorn in your flesh, it’s time to change that. A tummy tuck will help you feel more confident about your appearance in more ways than one. If you want to finally eliminate loose skin, stubborn fat and redefine your abdomen, the choice is yours. Contact us today at Kadz Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills, CA, to learn more about this procedure and if it’s right for you.