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What is a Brazilian Butt Lift?

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Dr. Bruce Kadz What is a Brazilian Butt Lift?

While a regular exercise routine and a healthy diet can do a lot to keep your mid-area in shape, there may still be changes you wish to make. Due to age, genetics, and gravity, your buttocks may not look like they did many years ago. If you have ever wanted to take fat from one area of your body and magically place it in another, you need to read on. 

At Kadz Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills, CA, we offer Brazilian buttock lifts. This procedure takes fat from one part of your body and moves it to your buttocks. Resulting in butt contouring. It is a highly effective surgical procedure that offers many benefits. If you would like to know more about this gluteal augmentation, give us a call to schedule a consultation. We will answer all your questions before, during, and after your procedure to ensure that you achieve the results you want with minimal downtime. 

What is a Brazilian Butt Lift? 

A Brazilian butt lift, or BBL, is a surgical procedure. The process involves transferring fat from an area of concern, such as your lower back, hips, thighs, or abdomen with liposuction. A portion of that fat is then injected into your buttocks. 

A 360 Brazilian butt lift aims to augment the shape, size, and position of your buttocks by using your body’s fat. This process achieves results without the use of implants. BBL surgery can improve the proportions of your lower body by removing fat from desired areas and enhancing the appearance of your buttocks, offering long-lasting results. 

Am I a Good Candidate For Brazilian Butt Lift? 

It is important to have realistic expectations about the procedure, results, and recovery of butt augmentation. When you schedule a consultation with us, we will discuss the process with you. This will ensure that you understand what BBL surgery is, and what it can do for you. During your consultation, we will also review your medical history and assess your current health condition. Although certain people are more suitable for a Brazilian butt lift, you are likely a good candidate for the procedure. Here are a few points to note when considering butt contouring. 

  • You have enough fat in other areas of your body that can be used to inject into your buttocks.
  • You have a good skin tone on your buttocks and hips area. 
  • You desire to change the shape and size of your mid-area without using unnatural implants.

The Benefits of Brazilian Butt Lift

A butt augmentation or gluteal augmentation offers many benefits. Here are just a few to note: 

  • Unlike alternative forms of buttock surgery, a Brazilian butt lift offers natural-looking results. 
  • BBL surgery does not use implants to reshape and resize your butt. 
  • BBL can address the loss of shape and sagging of your buttocks. 
  • The procedure is a low-risk and high reward when compared to alternative solutions. 
  • If you are concerned with figure imbalances, butt augmentation can help you correct these areas. 
  • A 360 Brazilian butt lift not only addresses the shape and size of your buttocks, but also the areas where fat is removed from, contouring your entire mid-area. 

BBL Before and After 

The final results achieved with BBL surgery will be visible within 3-6 months after your surgery. After three months, you will enter the fluffing stage. During this time, your skin will soften and stretch to accommodate the new fat. This allows the results to look and feel natural. These results can be enjoyed for years to come. 

The Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure

Even though a Brazilian butt lift offers so much, it is a simple procedure to understand. There are three basic phases that are involved. 

Firstly, excess fat gets removed from your areas of concern, such as your abdomen, hips, lower back, or thighs, with liposuction. A portion of the fat that has been extracted is purified and prepared for the injection phase. 

The fat is then injected into particular areas of your buttocks to alter their shape and size. We use general anesthesia or intravenous sedation with local anesthesia during the procedure. A Brazilian butt lift is typically performed as an outpatient procedure. 

The Brazilian Butt Lift Recovery

After having a Brazilian butt lift, you will need to take certain precautions. This will ensure you gain the results that you desire as quickly as possible. These precautions will also prevent unnecessary discomfort. 

It is recommended that you do not sit or lie directly on your buttocks for about two weeks. During your recovery time, you will need to sleep on your stomach or side. After this initial period, you will be able to sit in a modified position. A donut seat or placing a pillow under your thighs will avoid putting unnecessary pressure on your buttocks. You will be able to sit in a normal position about eight weeks after your BBL surgery. You should be able to resume some daily activities within a week after your surgery and return to work within two weeks. 

A Brazilian Butt Lift For You

If you would like to change the shape and size of your buttocks without using implants, you should consider a Brazilian butt lift. This procedure offers long-lasting results. It not only shapes and lifts your buttocks by adding volume but contours your mid-area by removing fat. At Kadz Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills, we offer butt augmentation. If you would like to know more about this procedure, give us a call!