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Post Weight-Loss: Re-Defining Your Body After Dramatic Weight-Loss

Posted In Body Procedures

Hard work pays off. If you’ve been steadfast with your diet and exercise, you’re likely to see the numbers on your bathroom scale drop quickly. Losing unwanted extra weight is an amazing feeling, but it does bring with it a few challenges. For example, you may find that your old clothes are ill-fitting for your new body. In the same way that your wardrobe will change, your skin will also need to adapt to your new physique.

Reshaping Your Skin Post Weight-Loss
No matter how much time you put into sculpting your body, your skin will likely resist your effort. Gravity, age, and genetics typically leave women with drooping skin. So, what’s the easy solution? Post weight-loss surgery.

How It Works
Post weight-loss surgery may be the perfect finale for your masterpiece. After taking control of your body, you deserve skin that fits your curves. The procedure works to remove that pesky, excess fat and skin and restore weakened or separated muscles.

Results You Want
Completing the operation will give your body the toned look you desire. Whether you’re still recovering from pregnancy or you have a genetic struggle with loose skin, the post weight-loss surgery will leave your body taut and lean.

Recovering Better Than New
After a successful surgery, you can expect to resume your normal activities in 3-5 weeks. Each patient is different, which is why it is crucial to choose a qualified surgeon that offers individual attention to each unique case. That way, you can get back to your day-to-day as soon and as safe as possible.

Getting the Best Results
You’re guaranteed to get the best results when you work with an experienced and qualified board-certified surgeon like Dr. Kadz. At our office, we will help you choose the perfect solution for your individual needs.

With over 20 years of experience, you can relax knowing you’re in good hands. Contact Dr. Kadz today to turn your work of art into a masterpiece to proudly display.