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Everything You Need to Know About Breast Augmentation Surgery

Dr. Bruce Kadz Everything You Need to Know About Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast augmentation surgery is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries, both in the US and worldwide. If you want to change the size and shape of your breasts, breast augmentation may be the solution to provide your ideal breast fullness and enhance your silhouette.

At Kadz Plastic Surgery, we offer breast augmentation in Beverly Hills to clients with a wide variety of concerns about their breasts. Weight gain or loss, illness, pregnancy, breastfeeding, cancer, and irregular breast shape and size draw patients to Dr. Kadz’s expert surgical skills. 

If you’re considering breast augmentation in Beverly Hills but are looking for more information about the procedure, recovery, and options, read on to learn everything there is to know about breast augmentation surgery. 

What Is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is also called breast enhancement surgery. Patients who want to enhance the size and shape of their breasts pursue breast augmentation surgery to achieve their breasts’ ideal volume, form, and balance. Plastic surgeons performing breast augmentation surgery achieve patients’ goals through implants. 

Types of Breast Implants

There are three types of implants available for breast augmentation: saline, silicone, and “gummy bear.” Each type of implant offers different benefits to patients. We will work with you to determine the best implant for your needs based on your goals, breast shape, and anatomy. 

Saline Implants

Saline implants come in structured or unstructured options and contain sterile salt water. These implants may be prefilled or filled at the time of surgery and provide a uniform shape, firmness, and feel. Structured saline implants offer an inner structure that makes the implant feel more natural. 

Silicone Implants

Silicone implants come in a variety of shapes and degrees of firmness. They are prefilled and feel softer and more like natural breast tissue than saline. Silicone implants have either smooth or textured shells. 

Currently, silicone implants are the most popular choice for breast augmentation.

“Gummy Bear” Implants

Officially known as shaped gel implants, “gummy bear” implants contain silicone gel. The gel in these implants is more cohesive than silicone implants and designed to maintain a proper shape similar to a woman’s natural curves. 

Gummy bear implants are thicker and firmer than traditional silicone implants. They also have more projection at the bottom and are tapered at the top to be more anatomically correct. 

The Breast Augmentation Procedure

Any surgery can be nerve-racking, but at Kadz Plastic Surgery, we work to answer all of your questions and make the process as easy as possible. Here, we break down every step of the process. 


The first step in breast augmentation is an in-depth consultation with Dr. Kadz. In this meeting, we will discuss in detail the options available, the implant type, position, and incision location, as well as your ultimate goals for the surgery.

As part of your consultation, we will go over your medical history, discuss the process of your breast augmentation procedure, and develop a customized treatment plan that addresses your unique body and concerns. 

Depending on your initial consultation, we may also have a sizing appointment to determine the ideal size for your breast augmentation goals. Here, we can use 3D imaging to see how your body will look with implants of various sizes and shapes. At this point, we’ll finalize the details of your procedure.


Like most surgical procedures, patients should stop smoking and using tobacco and nicotine products and cut out hormonal birth control methods about six weeks before surgery. Tobacco and nicotine can increase complications and affect the healing process, and hormone-based birth control increases the risk of blood clots.

Ten days before surgery, we ask that you stop drinking red wine and avoid taking ibuprofen and aspirin, as these compounds, as well as some supplements like vitamin E and omega-3s, can thin the blood. 

Two days before surgery, we ask that you stop drinking alcohol altogether.


Breast augmentation surgery is typically an outpatient procedure that lasts around 75 minutes. Your surgical options include three main incision sites:

  • Inframammary: Below the breast
  • Periareolar: The border of the areola and breast
  • Transaxillary: Through the armpit

You can also choose to have the implant placed above or below the pectoralis major muscle. However, most patients choose an inframammary incision, placing the implant behind the muscle. In this method, Dr. Kadz makes an incision in the inframammary fold and then the pectoralis muscle. 

Dr. Kadz then creates a pocket behind the muscle and uses an implant sizer to confirm your size and pocket shape. After confirmation, he’ll remove the sizer, make any adjustments, place the implant and close the incision. Next, he will repeat the process on the opposite breast. 


After surgery, most patients spend about an hour in postoperative recovery before heading home. Most patients can return to work in three to five days, with some limits on heavy lifting and upper body exercise for the next two weeks. 

We advise wearing a surgical bra for about two weeks after surgery for added support. Additionally, we’ll schedule you for post-surgical follow-ups in regular increments to ensure you’re healing perfectly. 

Am I a Candidate for Breast Augmentation Surgery?

To be eligible for breast augmentation surgery, you need to be over 18 for saline implants or 22 for silicone implants. 

In addition, your breasts need to be fully developed, and we advise against breast augmentation surgery for anyone planning to get pregnant soon. Both pregnancy and breastfeeding will change the shape and volume of your breasts.

If you’re unhappy with your breasts’ shape, fullness, or balance, breast augmentation surgery may be the solution you’re seeking. Call or book an appointment online with Kadz Plastic Surgery today to determine whether breast augmentation is right for you.