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Mommy Makeover: What You Get


Having a baby is an incredible experience that changes a woman’s life in every possible way. Including major changes to her body. If you have recently given birth, you may feel unhappy with the extra weight, lack of muscle tone, and sagging breasts. Although these bodily changes are normal after giving birth, most women feel discouraged and want to get back to their pre-baby body as soon as possible.

The Effects of Childbirth

As your body prepares itself for carrying a child, the temporary changes can stay longer than hoped for:

  • Expanded stomach
  • Enlarged breasts for breastfeeding
  • Areas of stored fat
  • Sensitive, blemishing skin

How the Mommy Makeover Helps

The Mommy Makeover is a trifecta of plastic surgery procedures that targets the areas affected most by pregnancy. It involves:

  • The Tummy Tuck.
  • Two areas of liposuction.
  • Breast augmentation using saline.

Tummy Tuck

Abdominoplasty, or the “Tummy Tuck”, is a surgical procedure that can flatten and shape the abdomen and waist. It’s accomplished by removing excess fat and skin, then tightening the surrounding muscles. It can even be used to restore weak or separated muscles, resulting in a smoother and firmer abdomen.


Liposuction’s purpose is slimming and reshaping the body, eliminating those stubborn, localized fat deposits gained through pregnancy. This improves the body contours and proportions, resulting in a leaner body that is properly proportioned.

Breast Augmentation

In general, a breast lift raises the breasts by removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue to reshape and support the new breast contour. While you can expect your breasts to return to their regular size after pregnancy, they’re likely to have a deflated look afterwards. A breast lift, with or without implants, is a great way to regain that fullness and perkiness.

Is the Mommy Makeover for You?

Sometimes, no matter how hard you try after childbirth, you can’t get rid of that stubborn fat and excess skin throughout your body. It’s easier than you think to get back to your pre-baby body. Contact us today to meet with our professionals to see what procedures will work best for you! With over 20 years of experience, you can rely on the board-certified surgeons at Dr. Kadz.