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Posted June 01, 2021 in Blog
Dr. Bruce Kadz Lipo

Are you tired of trying crash diets and fad workouts, only to find they don’t actually work? If you’re having trouble getting rid of stubborn body fat, we can help. Here at Kadz Plastic Surgery in Hollywood, CA, we offer liposuction for our clients who are unhappy with their figures. Lipo is a safe, minimally invasive body-contouring procedure that achieves long-lasting results by permanently eliminating stubborn fat that otherwise resists diet and exercise.

How Much Weight Can Be Lost with Liposuction?

Liposuction is not weight-loss surgery. It’s actually a body-contouring treatment that is an effective method for eliminating stubborn body fat and taking inches off, too. If you’re just looking for an easy way to lose weight without putting in any effort, lipo is not for you. It’s intended as a practical solution for stubborn body fat that won’t go away, even with consistent dieting and exercise.

What Is Lipo, Exactly?

If you’re one of those people who can’t lose weight in certain areas even with regular diet and exercise, lipo can be a wonderful, life-changing procedure. It refers to a minimally invasive body-contouring procedure that effectively reshapes the body by eliminating stubborn body fat.

Once it’s gone, that’s it. It’s gone for good, and as long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle, it won’t come back. Many of our clients are happily surprised by the beautiful results that Dr. Kadz can achieve through this procedure.

How Does It Work?

Lipo has many different techniques used to remove fat from the body. Here at Kadz Plastic Surgery, Dr. Kadz uses VASER technology, one of the most effective treatment methods available today. This innovative technology works by melting the fat, producing much better results than other methods. Not only is it the most effective treatment method available today, but it also allows for the quickest and easiest recovery process.

During the VASER procedure, Dr. Kadz will inject a numbing fluid into the fat, which helps the patient feel no pain and compresses the blood vessels. The VASER technology melts those stubborn fat cells, ultimately causing them to deteriorate and liquify. Then, a thin tube is inserted into the target area, and the liquified fat is then suctioned out. One of the best parts of this procedure is that it only involves a minimal amount of damage to the surrounding areas, which can help shorten the overall recovery time.

How Long do the Results Actually Last?

Liposuction is so popular among our patients because the results are permanent. All of those fat cells that you want to be removed are permanently eliminated when Dr. Kadz performs this procedure. However, it’s important to remember that it doesn’t prevent new fat cells from being formed after the procedure is finished.

The most critical part of recovery is maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle post-op. This procedure isn’t meant for people who just want the freedom to eat junk food and live without regard to their health. It should be used as motivation to begin a better, healthier lifestyle regarding diet and exercise.

How to Maintain the Results

The best, most effective method for maintaining your results is to put effort into living a healthy lifestyle. Even if you were at your goal weight pre-treatment but you didn’t eat the healthiest diet, you’ll have to make some changes. That way, you can enjoy the results from your body-contouring for years to come.

Eat Healthy Foods

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle doesn’t mean you have to follow a rigorous or impossible diet. The best advice to follow is avoiding unhealthy and saturated fats, processed foods, foods high in sugar, and of course, stay away from high fructose corn syrup!

Many of our patients have seen excellent results from sticking to a diet rich in lean proteins like fish, chicken, eggs, and lean beef. One trick is to find a healthy alternative to your favorite meal, so you can still feel satisfied with your diet. Don’t forget: a proper diet is one that’s full of variety. Eat lots of leafy green veggies and fruits and stay away from simple carbs. Instead, go for the complex carbs like sweet potatoes.

Exercise Regularly

While some people were born at the gym, others find fitness and working out a tad less enjoyable. The key is to find a workout you actually enjoy doing. In fact, that inherent enjoyment makes a tremendous difference in both motivation and self-confidence. If you hate stair steppers, try the elliptical or go for a run. If you don’t like the gym, try some at-home workouts or go for a brisk walk. Or, try hiring a personal trainer if you can afford it.

Don’t Neglect Self-Care

Dealing with a lot of stress is a huge factor that can lead to overeating and weight gain. That’s why it’s essential to focus on self-care and have some de-stressing techniques to utilize throughout the week, so you don’t end up self-sabotaging your results. This could include things like going for a massage or a mani-pedi, or even just hanging out with a friend. Try a new hobby or interest if you’re looking for new experiences.

Keep Hydrated

Many people forget that staying hydrated and drinking lots of water is incredibly important to leading a healthy lifestyle. Did you know that water is a natural appetite suppressant? Keeping the body hydrated helps maintain tight, firm, and toned results. It’s imperative to drink enough water throughout the day—keeping your body adequately hydrated can make a tremendous difference in living a healthy lifestyle.

Avoid Excess Alcohol and Caffeine Intake

While the alcohol itself isn’t that bad for your health, the cocktails that most people drink it with are typically loaded with sugar to sweeten the bite of the liquor. If you’re going to drink alcohol, skip the sugary cocktails and look for drink recipes that are healthier instead. For instance, try drinking vodka and club soda rather than something like a daiquiri.

Who Is a Suitable Candidate?

Many people have the misconception that lipo is meant for people who are very obese to help them lose weight. However, this isn’t the case. It’s a body-contouring procedure that’s actually designed for people who are only slightly overweight. Liposuction is not intended to be a weight loss surgery, and it can’t help you shed the pounds, either, if you’re still living an unhealthy lifestyle.

Instead, it’s designed to target and eliminate stubborn fat in patients close to or at their goal weight but who still need a little bit of assistance getting rid of those last few pounds of body fat. Generally, liposuction is meant for people who are already living a healthy lifestyle but can’t seem to get rid of those last few pounds, despite regular diet and exercise.

Candidates At or Near Their Goal Weight

The ideal candidate is somebody at or near their goal weight who struggles with losing stubborn body fat, even with diet, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle. The idea of this body-contouring procedure is to get rid of that fat, so you don’t have to keep spending hours in the gym with no results. Instead, you’ll get a boost of self-confidence and self-esteem, have better fitting clothes, and the opportunity to feel absolutely amazing next time it’s bikini season and you’re in a swimsuit.

Very Fit Candidates

Many of our patients experience frustration since they follow restrictive diets, work out daily, and still have pockets of stubborn body fat they can’t seem to lose. That’s why it’s such an effective procedure for very fit or athletic people because it can be a great way to attain overall body goals.

In fact, many of our patients are in fantastic shape but yet still aren’t very happy with the way they look. That’s where we come in—Dr. Kadz will help you attain the beautiful, slim physique that you may have thought was impossible to achieve. During the procedure, he removes stubborn body fat permanently so that you can feel good about your body again.

Schedule a Consultation Today at Kadz Plastic Surgery

If you’re ready to ditch the crazy dieting and exercise for good and finally erase that last bit of stubborn body fat, liposuction can be a life-changing procedure. This minimally invasive body-contouring treatment is designed to permanently melt away fat, helping you reach the perfect body and figure you’ve always wanted. Contact us at Kadz Plastic Surgery in Hollywood, CA, today to schedule an initial consultation or to learn more about lipo and how it can help you live your best life possible.