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Is Breast Augmentation Permanent?

Posted January 18, 2022 in Blog
Dr. Bruce Kadz Is Breast Augmentation Permanent?

For many women, the topic of breasts can be difficult. While some women feel that their breasts are too large, other women may feel self-conscious because they feel like their breasts are too small. If you’re in the latter category, then you should know that breast enhancement procedures can help you achieve your ideal body shape and feel more confident. With Dr. Bruce Kadz in Beverly Hills, CA, you can achieve long-lasting and natural-looking results with breast augmentation.

Is Breast Augmentation Permanent?

One of the biggest questions patients have about breast augmentation is whether or not the results are permanent. The truth is that while implants or breast enhancement surgery can produce results that last for decades, most women shouldn’t plan on results that will last a lifetime. At most, augmentation for the breasts can have results that last for 10 to 20 years before there are any noticeable changes in the appearance of the breasts.

Several factors may contribute to how long your augmentation results will last. For example, some women opt to have implants removed after several years because they have a new body shape preference or because they want smaller or larger implants. Some other reasons why your results may not last a lifetime include:


Pregnancy is one of the most common reasons why the breasts change shape or size over a lifetime. Many women will not have the same breast volume after pregnancy or even breastfeeding. Even women who have implants may notice changes in their breast appearance because of a pregnancy. This is usually thanks to the way fatty tissue in the breasts alters with pregnancy and because milk production causes the breasts to swell.

The fact that pregnancy can alter the results of your procedure, as well as the fact that pregnancy can alter the appearance of natural breasts, is one of the main reasons why your surgeon may recommend postponing any breast procedure until after you are no longer planning on having children. By postponing augmentation, you will be able to enjoy uninterrupted results. That said, it will still be possible to breastfeed even after breast enhancement, so there is no clinical reason to postpone a procedure.

Body Weight

As your body weight changes, so will the appearance of your breasts. Women who gain significant weight will notice larger breasts, while women who lose significant weight will notice smaller breasts. One reason why the results of your procedure may not last forever is simply that your body weight has changed. This is why it’s important to maintain a healthy body weight after your procedure so your results will remain consistent for several years to come.

Implant Life

As a note, breast implants don’t have an expiration date. In perfect circumstances, most implants can last at least 20 years or longer. However, several factors may impact the life of the implant, such as the quality of the implant sac, the implant filling type, and even the placement of the implant. Women who have been in high-impact accidents may also have a shorter implant life.

Breast implants are made to be durable, but various changes in the body or even personal preferences may prompt women to replace implants. That said, as long as you are satisfied with your results, there should be no clinical reason to replace or remove breast implants unless the implant has leaked or ruptured. This can always be checked with annual mammograms.


Finally, the last reason your implants may not last a lifetime is due to aging. As you age, the breast tissue will become thinner, particularly as you lose fat and volume in your breasts. With less breast volume in general, implants placed above the pectoral muscle will become more noticeable – you may even start to feel the creases of the implant or the valve as you become older. In this case, mature women who still want to have breast enhancement may want to consider a revision surgery that will adjust the placement of the implants.

What Happens If Implants Aren’t Replaced?

Although up to 20% of people with breast implants will have their implants replaced or removed within 10 years of the surgery, many people will allow breast implants to remain for longer than 10 or 20 years. People who have not encountered any implant trouble for 10 to 20 years may choose to let the implant remain unaltered, especially older women. But what happens if implants aren’t replaced?

Because implants don’t expire, there may not be any consequences if you choose not to replace implants after 10 to 20 years. However, older implants may be prone to ruptures that may cause the implant to deflate, leading to noticeable cosmetic changes that may need to be repaired. Older implants are also vulnerable to capsular contracture, which is when hard scar tissue develops around breast implants, which can cause discomfort or noticeable cosmetic concerns. In either of these cases, it’s a good idea to see a plastic surgeon for a consultation about replacing implants.

Is It a Myth That You Need to Replace Implants Every 10 Years?

The estimate of how long breast implants will remain strong and unaltered is usually 10 to 20 years. However, there is a common myth that women who have breast implants will need to replace their implants every 10 years. While breast augmentation results may not last a lifetime, many women who have intact implants will be able to enjoy their results for most of their lives without any need to make changes unless aging or weight loss has significantly altered breast volume.

The idea that breast implants should be replaced every 10 years, regardless of whether or not there is a medical need, is likely connected to the product warranty of the implants. Most breast implants have a warranty period of at least 10 years, which is how long the manufacturer will replace damaged implants. But if your implants are still in good condition after 10 years, there is no need to have them changed.

Is Breast Revision the Same as the Original Surgery?

In many ways, the procedure to revise breast augmentation has many of the same steps as your original surgery. For this procedure, you can also expect general anesthesia to be used for the duration of your surgery. For a breast augmentation revision, your implants will simply be replaced in most cases. If your implants are placed in a different area, such as below the muscle instead of above it, then your procedure may have a few extra steps.

In any case, the recovery for both breast augmentation and any revision procedures will be the same. You will need to take some time off of work, wear specialty compression garments, and refrain from strenuous activity for several weeks. Some women may choose to return to work two to four weeks after a breast procedure, but this will depend on their occupation and workload.

Why Do Women Consider Augmentation?

An augmentation procedure is simply a way to enhance the size and shape of the breasts. While a breast lift will lift the breasts into a higher position (with or without implants) and a reduction will nip excess fat and tissue to lighten the breasts, an augmentation procedure uses implants to create a volume that fundamentally alters the silhouette of your body. Some of the most common reasons to have this procedure include:

  • Feel more confident
  • Regain bustline
  • Balance body shape
  • Correct asymmetry
  • Increase volume

Who Are Good Candidates?

Women have several motivations for seeking breast enhancement surgery. Regardless of your reason for this procedure, Dr. Bruce Kadz will work with you to select breast implants and devise a procedure plan for implant placement that will help you achieve all of your aesthetic goals. The best candidates for this procedure are women over the age of 18 who are generally healthy and who can maintain a healthy body weight. A consultation will assess your eligibility for this plastic surgery procedure.

Enjoy Long-Lasting Results

Breast implants usually don’t last a lifetime for various reasons, but the vast majority of women can expect the results of their procedure to last for 10 to 20 years. Some women may not even require revision surgery if there are no issues with the implants or medical reasons to revise the augmentation procedure. Contact Dr. Bruce Kadz in Beverly Hills, CA to schedule your consultation appointment today. Start your journey to better self-confidence today.