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How Long Does a Brazilian Butt Lift Last? Exploring the Durability of this Procedure

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Dr. Bruce Kadz How Long Does a Brazilian Butt Lift Last? Exploring the Durability of this Procedure

Are you searching for a way to improve the appearance of your profile? Have you always wanted firmer, larger buttocks? Has age caused you to lose volume in your buttock region? All these concerns can be corrected with a Brazilian Butt Lift or BBL. Here at Kadz Plastic Surgery, we offer gluteal augmentation surgery for your benefit. What is a Brazilian Butt Lift? How long do the results last? These are all questions we will answer in this blog. You can be assured that we will disclose all the necessary information before you decide to have a Brazilian Butt Lift. Contact us to schedule your initial consultation so we can discuss your BBL surgery in Beverly Hills, CA.

What is a Brazilian Butt Lift?

A gluteal augmentation is more commonly referred to as a Brazilian Butt Lift. It is a surgical procedure that can increase the size of your but while improving the contours and shape. We can either use butt lift implants or fat grafting to achieve these results. For some patients, we use both methods to help them reach their goals.

Buttock implants are silicone-based and inserted deep into your buttock tissue. If we use fat grafting, we will transfer fat from a certain area to your buttocks. Fat grafting BBL surgery is especially beneficial if you would like to remove unwanted fat. This is also referred to as a 360 Brazilian Butt Lift. By using both BBL methods, we can get the best of both worlds and provide long-lasting results!

What is a BBL Going to Achieve?

A BBL can increase the size of your buttocks and enhance their shape by making them rounder. It can also improve the balance of your body and make your profile look more symmetrical. A butt augmentation is especially useful for boosting your confidence if you are self-conscious about the size of your buttocks. Perhaps significant weight loss has changed the size and shape of your buttocks. While the rest of your body looks toned and contoured, you may struggle to achieve the same goals for your butt. 

Butt contouring is also beneficial for patients wanting to restore their youthful figure. As you age, your butt may develop loose skin, making it look saggy. A gluteal augmentation can improve the overall shape of your buttocks by lifting them. BBL surgery also improves the skin texture on your butt. It can effectively reduce the appearance of dimples and irregular skin surfaces.

How Long Does A Brazilian Butt Lift Last?

Since your weight increases and decreases, and your skin laxity changes as you age, can a BBL have permanent results? 

It is normal to lose about 40% of the injected fat about two weeks after your Brazilian Butt Lift. That is why we overfill the site. So do not be alarmed if your buttocks look bigger than expected immediately after the procedure. Your buttocks will regenerate new fat cells within the next three to six months, and eventually, the size of your buttocks will become stable. 

Brazilian Butt Lifts are semi-permanent procedures. Of course, results differ from patient to patient. For some patients, a Brazilian Butt Lift can last five years, and other patients enjoy their Brazilian Buttock Lift for over a decade. Most times, the results last longer than a decade and look the same as when you first had the BBL surgery. However, these results depend on how you maintain your buttocks after the procedure. 

If your results wear off over a few years and your skin becomes loose, you can schedule a touch-up gluteal augmentation. During this procedure, we add more fat to your buttocks to maintain their shape and size. 

Does the Brazilian Butt Lift Method Affect Your Results?

As mentioned, we can achieve a Brazilian Butt Lift through implants or fat grafting. By following the right aftercare instructions, a fat transfer butt augmentation can offer permanent results. 

On the other hand, buttock implants may need to be replaced every five to ten years. After this time, you may need more surgery to renew the results and maintain your curvy figure. Visit our online gallery to see the BBL before and after results.

How Can You Make Your Results More Durable?

There are important aftercare instructions to follow to maintain your results after a Brazilian Butt Lift. These instructions are especially applicable to patients who had a fat transfer Brazilian Butt Lift. The fat in your buttocks is more susceptible to change within the first six months. Here are a few ways to maximize your BBL results. 

Keep Your Weight Steady

You should already be at your ideal weight before your BBL surgery. Losing or gaining weight after your BBL will change the results and affect the durability. Try to maintain a constant body weight after your Brazilian Butt Lift procedure. You can do this by eating a balanced diet and participating in regular exercise. However, strenuous physical activity should be avoided for at least two months after your surgery.

Wear Compression Garments

We may recommend you wear compression clothing for about six weeks after your BBL surgery. This helps your buttocks to heal after the procedure and makes them tighter.

Do Not Put Too Much Pressure on Your Buttocks

Applying excessive pressure to your buttocks restricts blood flow and slows the healing process. It also affects the permanence of your results.

Enjoy Long-Lasting Results From Your Brazilian Butt Lift

At Kadz Plastic Surgery, we want you to enjoy your BBL before and after results. That is why we provide reliable instructions that help you maintain your results for many years after the procedure. Contact us today to schedule your BBL procedure!