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Does Liposuction Work?

Posted In Body Procedures

When you think of liposuction, you may have several things that come to mind. The questions of whether or not liposuction will work, however, is most likely the pressing question that has kept you from taking the leap. The problem with this question is there can be multiple answers depending on the person asking (what their body style is, what their lifestyle is, what they’re willing to continue or stop doing, etc.). The short answer to the question, “Does liposuction actually work?” is…yes.

Liposuction works with the right goals in mind and if you’re looking for something like a fast solution to weight loss, liposuction procedures may not be the answer.  It maybe not give you the results you seek. If, on the other hand, you are looking to shape and contour your body or remove fat from those difficult areas that exercise has been unable to shape, then liposuction will help you with those areas.

Specifically speaking about the procedure itself, liposuction is the process of removing fat cells from a specific area forever. Aside from morbidly obese people or growing children, people have a finite number of fat cells that, if removed, won’t grow back. Here are some better questions to ask rather than simply, “Does it work?”

Does Liposuction Prevent Me from Gaining Weight?
Weight gain is still possible, and in fact is possible in the areas which have had liposuction performed. One of the differences may be that you gain weight in a more proportional way. For example, if you have a tendency to gain weight in your arms, you may still gain weight in your arms but not only in your arms. This creates a much more proportional weight gain that isn’t as noticeable.

Are the Results Permanent?
Again, the fat cells are permanently removed. However, your new contour and body shape aren’t going to be permanent without maintaining a healthy diet and regular exercise regimen. Proteins, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low fat dairy are recommended to help maintain your new look.

Will Liposuction Work for Me?
This is the key question to ask, and the best thing to do is ask your doctor is what his or her recommendations are. With Dr. Kadz, being a plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills for over 20 years, you can be sure they will help you make the right decision about liposuction and what it can do for you.