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Breast Augmentation Recovery Tips

Female in black lace bra again dark background

Recovery is an incredibly important aspect of any surgical procedure and is essential in ensuring you’ll get the best possible results. This blog discusses breast augmentation recovery, some key tips, and a general recovery timeline to help guide you through the process. 

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Recovering from Breast Augmentation 

If you’ve got a breast augmentation scheduled on the horizon, it can be exciting to anticipate your soon-to-be enhanced breasts and look forward to embracing your feminine curves. Many women are excited to show off their breast augmentation results in swimsuits and low-cut tops and to overall just feel completely comfortable and confident in their bodies. Yet, before any of that can happen, you’ll have to endure the breast augmentation recovery process first. 

It’s normal to feel some nerves regarding recovery; after all, this is a significant surgical procedure. One of the best ways to prepare for recovery and ease nerves is to arm yourself with information so you can prepare your space at home and gather all necessary supplies ahead of time. 

Top Tips for Recovery

After your breast augmentation, your body will need lots of rest to support the natural healing process. Preparing your space at home and stocking up on the essentials before surgery can significantly help your future self out so that when you come home after surgery, you can just focus on resting and recovering. 

Here are some of our top tips for breast augmentation recovery: 

  • Pick up any prescription medications before your procedure so they’re ready for you at home when you return from surgery.  
  • Arrange for someone to drive you home from your appointment and stay with you for the first 24 hours to help around the house. 
  • Purchase a wedge pillow or stack extra pillows to help you sleep at an elevated position throughout recovery. 
  • Go grocery shopping the day before your procedure and stock up on nutrient-rich foods. 
  • Meal prep some easy, healthy meals that you can store in the fridge or freezer and heat up as needed. 
  • Set aside some loose, baggy shirts or jackets that can be buttoned or zipped up, as you won’t be able to lift your arms over your head for the first few days. 
  • Gather your most used and needed items and place them on your nightstand or other easy-to-reach spots. 

Breast Augmentation Recovery Timeline

Every woman’s breast augmentation procedure is unique and tailored to best suit their needs. Recovering from this surgery is similar in the sense that every patient has their own timeline and will go through different stages at their own pace. However, there are some main recovery stages that can be expected: 

  • Immediately After Surgery: Once the anesthesia wears off, you can expect to experience some discomfort and pain. Your breasts will be bandaged, and you’ll need to start wearing a compression bra to help support your recovery. Rest is important during this time, and you’ll need to limit most physical activities. 
  • First Week: The beginning of your recovery is when you’ll typically experience the most discomfort due to the breasts feeling stiff and sore. Strenuous physical activities must be avoided, but light walking is strongly encouraged. During this time, you may have your first postoperative appointment to remove drains and sutures and check in with your surgeon. Patients with desk jobs may be able to return to work after one week. 
  • First Few Weeks: As your healing progresses, you’ll slowly be able to return to more of your regular daily activities. However, you must always check with your surgeon first to make sure that you don’t push your body too far too soon. 
  • Two Months Post-Surgery: Many patients are considered fully recovered around two months after breast augmentation. At this point, you’ll be able to stop wearing your compression bra and switch to regular bras. All activities can typically be resumed at this time. 

Learn More About Breast Augmentation in Beverly Hills, CA 

Whether you are just starting to consider breast augmentation or have already scheduled your appointment and are looking for more recovery information, Kadz Plastic Surgery is here to assist you along your journey. To learn more about breast augmentation and the recovery process, call our office at (980) 372-5239 or complete our online contact form