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Breast Augmentation

Posted June 01, 2021 in Blog
Dr. Bruce Kadz Breast Augmentation

There’s no denying it: a beautiful pair of breasts has long been a sign of femininity and womanhood. However, not every woman is content with the breasts she was born with. Here at Kadz Plastic Surgery in Hollywood, California, we offer breast augmentation for women of all sizes and shapes. This elective surgery helps women improve the shape of their breasts, increase their bra size, and ultimately balance out their figure, boosting self-confidence at the same time.

What Is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is the medical term for breast enhancement surgery. This procedure is entirely elective and designed to increase the size and fullness of the breasts with an implant. Many women love the results, which add a more balanced shape, corrects symmetry issues, and gives confidence a sky-high boost. In fact, this elective procedure is perfect for women with cosmetic or medical motivations.

How Can a Breast Enhancement Help You?

Many women choose to undergo breast enhancement surgery for cosmetic motivations, but this procedure can also help address emotional, physical, and medical concerns as well.

Increase Self-Confidence

Women who are self-conscious about their breast size can feel uncomfortable and unhappy even wearing casual clothing, never mind a swimsuit. Breast enhancement is the perfect solution that gives our patients a much-needed boost of self-confidence in themselves and their appearance.

Many of our patients agree that the procedure is quite literally life-changing. For some women, augmentation surgery can restore and replace breast tissue lost during a struggle with cancer. After the procedure, cancer survivors can enjoy full, natural-looking breasts again, even after a full mastectomy.

Improve Your Body Proportions

When it comes to the womanly form, proportions are everything. For example, look at the classic 1950s pinup models. They weren’t ostentatiously or boldy sexy, but their body proportions (hourglass shape, teeny waist, full hips and breasts) absolutely screams understated gorgeousness and perfectly flaunts the beauty of the female form.

While some women may have the waistline or the booty, the effect isn’t complete without the bustline to match. Breast enhancement allows for a gorgeous silhouette by adding fullness and shape to create an aesthetically pleasing appearance. This helps increase self-confidence, giving you that inner glow and radiance that comes from truly loving yourself and your body.

Correct Symmetry

Many women have two different-sized breasts, making it extremely difficult to find bras or swimsuits that fit correctly without extra padding. This is not only a symmetry issue, but it can even cause discomfort or pain. Women with uneven breasts may also feel embarrassed if the two different sizes are noticeable while wearing certain clothing or bathing suits. The augmentation procedure can effectively correct uneven symmetry, making it a cinch to find a cute bra or bathing suit that not only fits but looks flattering, too.

Increase Size and Fullness

Most women who elect to undergo breast enhancement choose to do so because they want increased size and fullness. Feeling self-conscious about a flat chest is totally natural, and many small-breasted women deal with these feelings of unhappiness during their life. That’s why breast augmentation is such a wonderful procedure—it can be life-changing, making it easy to reach the size and shape you’ve always wanted.

How to Customize Your Augmentation

The first and most important step in the process is to set up a consultation with our expert surgeon, Dr. Bruce Kadz, at our office here in Hollywood, CA. The consultation is to confirm that you’re a suitable candidate for the procedure. We will help you choose the right type of implant, determine where the small incision will be located, and discuss any and all questions or concerns you may have.

Determining the Incision Site

As with every other elective surgical procedure, there will be a small incision. However, we work extensively with every patient beforehand to determine the ideal location. It’s also based on the patient’s personal preference to ensure they’re ultimately happy and pleased with the outcome. Dr. Kadz can help you decide which incision is best to help you attain your goals when it comes to your procedure.

Intramammary Incisions

An intramammary incision is located on the underside of the breast, right in the crease where the breast meets the abdominal wall. The intramammary location is a popular choice for our patients because it can easily accommodate larger implants. Another significant benefit of this location is that the incision will be hidden from view, which is why it’s such a popular choice for many of our patients.

Periareolar Incision

The periareolar incision is located along the lower half of the nipple. This incision location is the most common for patients who choose saline breast implants or women looking for a smaller augmentation.

How to Choose the Right Implants

Our patients can choose from the three most common implants that are used during a breast augmentation procedure. These three types are all different, can correct various issues, and are also made from different materials. During the initial consultation with Dr. Kadz, we will guide you through the process from beginning to end. We’ll also discuss your ultimate goals, any concerns or questions you may have, and help determine which implant type is best for you.

Silicone Gel Implants

This type of implant consists of a silicone outer shell filled with medical-grade gel. Silicone implants come in a few different types, which all allow for a slightly different finished look. There are soft implants, firm implants, or ones that look more natural.

The many different shapes and sizes available for silicone implants make them perfect for a boost of confidence and to help you achieve your desired cosmetic and figure goals. Typically, silicone implants tend to be firmer than other implant types, but they’re one of the safest and most reliable implants that provide a natural look and feel.

Saline Implants

Saline implants also have a silicone outer shell but are filled with saline (salt) water instead of gel. Generally, saline is considered the most comfortable and safest implants, which is why they’re one of the most popular implants for women. In fact, many choose saline because they know somebody who chose saline implants and had a great experience with them.

Structured Saline Implants

Structured saline implants are one of the newest types on the market today. Since they don’t use silicone gel, they’re one of the most natural feeling and looking. They contain different shells and inner structures that keep the saline portion away from the outer shell. This helps the implant retain its shape, which is incredibly important.

Implant Position

During your consultations and before the actual procedure, Dr. Kadz will also help you determine the position of your new implants. Of course, we consider your opinion, preferences, and ultimate goals when deciding the optimal position. The two positions you can choose from are under the chest muscle or over the chest muscle.

How to Prepare for the Procedure

The best way to prepare for a breast enhancement procedure is to be ready for the recovery process. It’s critical to take care of your body, eat healthy food, and get plenty of rest so you can have a speedy recovery. Be proactive about your health: don’t binge on comfort or junk food, drink a ton of water to stay hydrated, and get lots and lots of rest.

Am I a Suitable Candidate?

Whether you have medical or cosmetic motivations for undergoing a breast augmentation procedure, you’re most likely a suitable candidate if you’re a healthy adult. We’ll consider your health history, current goals, and expectations during the initial consultation to determine if you’re a good candidate. After that, we can begin the customization process and create a plan to help you attain your self-confidence and figure goals.

If you’re unhappy with your breasts, a breast enhancement procedure can be the answer you’re looking for. Many women suffer from small or uneven breasts, which make them feel self-conscious about their figure. With breast implants, we can correct any cosmetic or medical issue you’re suffering from, helping you achieve your goals. Contact us at Kadz Plastic Surgery in Hollywood, CA, today to learn more about the services we offer or to set up an initial consultation.