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Brazilian Buttock Lift: How to Get the Butt You Always Dreamed Of

Posted In Body Procedures

Did you know approximately 97% of women will think, “I hate my body,” just today? About 20,000 ladies across the U.S. have negative self-image thoughts in the time it takes to read this paragraph. But what if there was a way to take fat away from unwanted areas and use it to fill your curves elsewhere?

What is the Brazilian Butt Lift?
The Brazilian butt lift is known professionally as buttock augmentation, but its better known as the best way to achieve a fuller, firmer butt. That’s why nearly 26,000 women completed the procedure last year.

How It Works
The procedure works to repurpose fats from less ideal areas (like your abdomen, thighs, hips, and back) to your rear-end making it rounder. Your surgeon will simply use a fat grafting technique to balance your figure, and you’ll be sporting the butt of your dreams in no time.

The expected downtime changes person to person, which is another reason a qualified professional, like Dr. Kadz, is crucial for the procedure. With the right surgeon, you can expect to get back to your routine as quick and safe as possible. Once the initial swelling and bruising diminish after two to four weeks, you’ll start truly enjoying your curves.

Why You’ll Love It
After your recovery, you’ll feel like a whole new person. The satisfaction rate is incredible because ladies around the country are rewarded by not only a backside with wonderful shape and contour but also a refreshed self-image!

To learn more about Brazilian butt lift procedures you can call us at 310-276-3662 or you can fill out this Contact Us form online. We will help you choose the perfect solution for your individual needs. With over 20 years of experience, you can relax knowing you’re in good hands.