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Arm Tuck: Reduce Flabby Arms in No Time

Posted July 09, 2018 in Body Procedures

The reasons for loose, sagging skin are unforgiving and numerous:

  • Common aging
  • Hereditary
  • Weight loss
  • Sun exposure

If you suffer from these issues, there’s no need to panic. It’s never been easier to regain tight plump skin!

The Arm Tuck: What is It?

The arm lift procedure, also known as the arm tuck, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that targets and removes any flabby skin on the upper arm.

The Procedure
During the operation, the surgeon will use liposuction, similar to a “tummy tuck”, to remove any stubborn fat deposits. Then any excess skin will be removed, and the arm restored to its toned beauty.

Results from the Arm Tuck
Restoring your youthful feel and look to your arms is simple now. After going through the arm tuck procedure, you can expect:

  • Less drooping skin
  • Tightened, smooth supportive tissue
  • Defined shape
  • Reduced fat deposits

Is the Arm Tuck Procedure Safe?
The arm tuck has grown in popularity because of the new technology and surgical techniques that make the arm tuck safer and more effective. With a minimally invasive incision, you will be able to enjoy toned arms in sleeveless gowns without a large scar. It’s never been safer or more affordable!

After the procedure, your physician will likely prescribe medication to handle any pain or swelling, as well as a healthy dose of rest. After a few weeks, the swelling will subside and you will be able to fully appreciate your new look!

If you’re interested in your own cosmetic procedure, give us a call today. You can trust our trained staff to answer any questions and schedule your initial consult!