If you are disappointed about the shape of your body after pregnancy, you may be a good candidate for a mommy makeover in Beverly Hills. Pregnancy and breastfeeding stretch your abdomen and breasts, and for some, they do not bounce back to their original shape. This is especially true for women who have had several children.
You may have worked hard to exercise and eat a healthy, low-calorie diet in the hope you will look as good as you did before without much result. Some fat pockets around the waist and hips will not budge with exercise. Once the skin has become too lax, no amount of exercise will tighten it again. A mommy makeover is a good choice because it tightens underlying muscles and cuts away stretched skin for a permanent solution.
What Is a Mommy Makeover?
As you might expect from the name, a mommy makeover is a combination of surgical procedures that may restore your pre-pregnancy figure. When you meet our cosmetic surgeon, you can learn more about the possibilities. The combination of procedures can be custom-designed for each woman, so you only get the surgery you need to achieve your goals. For example, if you have had only one child and your issues are minor, we may recommend a few simple procedures. If you have had several children and your breasts and abdomen are severely stretched and hanging, it may require more complex procedures.
Common issues that are treated by a mommy makeover are:
- Correct breast symmetry, volume, and sagging
- Repair stretched areola or nipples
- Tighten abdominal muscles
- Remove sagging skin from the abdomen
- Improve the fit of swimsuits and clothing
- Reduce bulging of the mons
If you plan to have more children, it is better to wait until you have finished childbearing before undergoing a mommy makeover. No surgery will withstand another pregnancy, so you may need to undergo it all over again. The results may not be as good as they were the first time. However, if you happen to get pregnant after a mommy makeover, there are touch-up procedures we can do.
You need to wait for at least six months after breastfeeding before having the surgery. This is because your breasts and abdomen need to relax into their new permanent position for our surgeon to determine how to improve them. During this time, we recommend that you exercise and diet to strengthen your overall health and remove any excess body fat you can.
The main components of a mommy makeover are:
- Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck
- Breast enhancement, which may be breast augmentation or a breast lift
- Monsplasty, otherwise known as public contouring or vaginal rejuvenation
Abdominoplasty or Tummy Tuck
The growing infant is just one stress that is put on your abdomen. Weight gain and loss is another factor that changes the shape of your tummy. The abdomen is famous for being difficult to reduce through diet and exercise, especially if the skin is significantly stretched.
A tummy tuck is a major surgery that may permanently flatten your abdomen. The incision is made just above the pubic mound. Our surgeon will tighten the stomach muscles and stretch the skin over the abdomen so it appears smooth and flat. Excess skin is then removed, if necessary. For some women, many stretch marks are also removed at this time.
A mini-tummy tuck uses a smaller incision and is suitable for women who have a smaller protruding tummy. This procedure takes less time than a regular abdominoplasty and has a shorter recovery time. A regular and mini tummy tuck address the lower abdominal region. An extended tummy tuck addresses above the navel as well as below. This may be recommended for women who have had multiple pregnancies.
You may be able to go home after a tummy tuck or you may be asked to spend one night in the hospital. In any case, you will need help at home for a week or two, especially if you have young children. Many women have a mommy makeover while their children are still very young. You shouldn’t lift anything over 5-10 pounds for at least 10 days or do strenuous exercise including aerobics or cardiovascular exercise.
Breast Lift
A breast lift is a surgical procedure that restores sagging breasts to a more pleasing appearance. It makes them firmer and perkier by reshaping the breast tissue and raising the areola and nipple. The contour of the breasts is more youthful and natural-looking. A breast lift in Beverly Hills may be done with or without breast implants. Breastfeeding often results in sagging breasts, which can be easily remedied with this surgery.
Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation is cosmetic surgery that increases the size and shape of the breasts. It usually involves placing silicone or saline breast implants, or you could opt for Gummy Bear Implants instead. The main aim of breast augmentation is to enhance the overall proportions of the woman’s figure and create a symmetrical breast profile. The surgery is tailored for each individual. When you consult with our specialist in Beverly Hills and express your expectations, you can learn more about the different possibilities for your issues. Breast implants are a good choice if you need to replace lost tissue after pregnancy and breastfeeding. They will restore pre-pregnancy firmness.
There are many different factors to consider when choosing the material of your implants, and our plastic surgeon can help you make an informed decision. Gummy Bear Implants are the newest type of implants available, and many women like the way they feel. Silicone and saline have benefits of their own however, so it is important to learn all you can before you make a choice.
Similar to a tummy tuck, monsplasty focuses on the area on the upper part of the vulva. This area tends to store excess fat, especially after a woman has given birth. This results in a bulge that is very difficult to get rid of on your own. Monsplasty effectively reduces excess fat/skin, depending on your needs. You will feel comfortable wearing tight clothing or even a bathing suit again.
Recovery may take a week or more, although our surgeon may recommend restricting physical activity for two or more weeks. We want to help you get back to the slim, toned profile you had before childbirth, and monsplasty is one of the many ways we can do that.
Who Is a Good Candidate for a Mommy Makeover?
If you are in good overall health and it has been at least six months since you stopped breastfeeding and you don’t plan to have any more children, a mommy makeover may be a good option for you. When you consult with our specialist you may learn about how to prepare for the surgery and how to have the best recovery.
As with any cosmetic surgery, it is important that your motives for having the procedures are your own. We do not recommend having major surgery because someone else is pushing you to change your appearance.
Because a mommy makeover involves a combination of potentially major surgeries, we will recommend your post-surgical care. You will understand what is involved during your recovery period to make sure you get the best results from the treatment. We will help you through each step of your recovery until you are ready to show off the results. You can expect your recovery period to be similar to that required by the most extensive treatment you have. For most women, this is a tummy tuck.
If you are ready for a mommy makeover, we will get lab tests and a full medical evaluation of your overall health. We may ask you to adjust certain medications including dietary supplements you are taking. If you smoke, you will need to stop for at least six weeks before and after the procedure. Smoking inhibits tissue healing and could promote infection. You will be asked to stop taking anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen and aspirin as well as any herbal supplements that contribute to increased bleeding. You will be given general anesthesia.
Visit Kadz Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills and speak with our cosmetic surgeon to learn more about this procedure and your options. Your mommy makeover will be custom designed according to your wishes. You will choose the procedures you want that may help you achieve the figure you had before childbearing or even better. We can discuss the pros and cons of each, and exactly what you can expect with surgery. We will also give you specific guidelines to follow after your procedure so you can experience optimal results and healing. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!