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A Guide to Healthy Eating at Holiday Parties

Posted December 16, 2015 in General

Every year you can count on a few things: taxes in April, fireworks in July and of course, Christmas parties in December.  Holiday parties come in all shapes and sizes, but this time of year, we are still looking to maintain our shape and size. So whether you’re headed off to a corporate event or a family party, here is the guide to healthy eating at holiday parties:

1.    Eat before you go
When it comes to eating right, it’s much easier to avoid cravings if your stomach isn’t growling in the sight of a delectable apple pie. One great way to avoid this feeling is to eat a healthy meal or snack before attending the party.  This may seem counter-intuitive if you’re attending a dinner event, but you can still eat a healthy lunch and breakfast if you plan to indulge at dinner.

2.    Have a game plan
When attending a holiday party, it’s easy to get swept up in sugary sweets and adult beverages. But if you’re looking to make healthy decisions this time of year, you’re going to need a game plan. Don’t go into a party without setting guidelines for what you will and won’t part take in. If you’ve set a 1 dessert limit, then stick to it, you can do it!

3.    Be careful with alcohol
What’s a party without a few drinks? But the trouble with alcohol is the way it encourages calories to be stored as fat. As you pace around the party mingling with guests over drinks, you may not realize how alcohol is affecting fat loss. Alcohol contains 7 calories per gram and is often loaded with sugar and carbohydrates. This combination is troublesome due to the fact that your body will choose to metabolize alcohol over other calories, causing your body to store additional calories as fat.

4.    Don’t over eat
Holiday parties typically feature a selection of delectable treats and savory entrees. But there is a reason that these treats aren’t consumed all year round – moderation is key.  When attending a holiday party, enjoy yourself, but there’s no need to over-indulge.  A great tip to avoid overeating is to take your time. It takes your body around 20 minutes to realize you are full, so slow down, enjoy the party, and when you’re full, put the plate down.

5.    Don’t forget to enjoy yourself
The Christmas season only comes around once a year; so don’t forget to enjoy yourself! It’s impossible to remain on a strict diet without any indulgence, especially around the holidays. Besides, all of the dieting in the world is pointless if you never allow yourself to have some fun. So grab a glass of wine and a plate of your favorites, and remember to enjoy the season with those you love!

Although holiday parties are an annual tradition, adding extra weight doesn’t have to be. By following this guide you can be sure to look your best this holiday season!