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A Comprehensive Guide to Eyelid Surgery

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Dr. Bruce Kadz A Comprehensive Guide to Eyelid Surgery

While skin all over the body can be affected by the aging process, sometimes these changes can be more apparent in the delicate skin of the eyelids. Loss of elasticity and uneven distribution of fat in the eyelids can lead to bags under the eyes, drooping eyelids, and wrinkles.

Eyelid surgery can be a good choice for those who have begun to notice aging around their eyes and are seeking a fresh and rejuvenated appearance. It can also be used to resolve congenital concerns that are either causing aesthetic or functional concerns. 

At Kadz Plastic Surgery located in Beverly Hills, CA, we specialize in a wide range of cosmetic procedures including eyelid surgery. Our personalized treatments can be tailored to your unique needs and help you achieve the aesthetic goals you are working towards. 

What Is Blepharoplasty? 

Blepharoplasty is the name given to eyelid surgery. This can include both upper and lower eyelid surgery along with combination surgeries. Blepharoplasties are often performed to help address signs of aging including sagging eyelids and wrinkles. They can also be recommended in the case of vision obstruction due to sagging eyelids. During a blepharoplasty, excess skin is removed and fat can be removed or redistributed as needed. 

Upper Eyelid Surgery 

Upper eyelid surgery can be an effective solution for individuals who are experiencing sagging or drooping of the upper eyelids. In addition to aging, this can also be due to hereditary factors and certain medical conditions. During this eyelid surgery, we make a discreet incision on the upper eyelid, remove excess skin and fat deposits, and close the incision. This eyelid lift can give you a more youthful and refreshed appearance. 

Lower Eyelid Surgery

For patients who have bags or puffiness under their eyes, wrinkles around the lower eyelids, dark circles, or vision impairment due to drooping lower eyelids, an eye lift surgery for the lower lids can help. Incisions can be made below the lower lash line or inside the lower eyelid, called a transconjunctival blepharoplasty, depending on the nature of the concerns and our recommendations. 

Combining Both Types of Surgery

When a patient has concerns with both the upper and lower eyelid, it is often best to address both during the same surgery so that the patient only has one recovery time. A combination surgery gives patients the benefits of upper and lower blepharoplasty at the same time for a comprehensive eye lift and complete rejuvenation of the eye area.

The Eyelid Surgery Process

Consultation and Preparation

Each of our eye lift surgeries at our practice is marked by careful planning and personalized care. We begin with a consultation during which we can assess your overall health and talk about what you want from your blepharoplasty. Make sure to ask any questions that you have about the procedure. 

Before your surgery, you may have special instructions on how to prepare for the operation. Some people will need to stop smoking for a time, and certain medications may need to be paused before and after surgery. 

On the Day of Surgery

On the day of your surgery, we will begin by administering anesthesia for your comfort. This may be local anesthesia or other options depending on the situation. Incisions will be made, whether in the natural creases of the eye or on the inside, and then we will remove the excess fat, loose skin, and any excess muscle from the area.

Once this is complete, very small sutures are used to close the incision. These sutures will dissolve on their own over time. The whole surgery from beginning to end typically takes between one and three hours depending on the scope of the procedure. 

Aftercare and Recovery

After your eyelid surgery, proper aftercare and recovery are essential for getting the most out of your procedure. Right after your eye lift, it’s normal to have some swelling and bruising, and the area can be a little sore once the anesthesia wears off. We will provide you with everything you need to take care of yourself over the next few days. We may prescribe medication or recommend a cold compress to keep you as comfortable as possible. 

As your body heals, you will want to limit your activities and allow your body to rest. You may want to minimize activities that strain your eyes such as reading or using a computer. While sleeping, we may recommend having your head raised higher than your chest to keep swelling down in the first few days after surgery. Over time, your scars will become less and less noticeable until they are almost invisible.

More Common FAQs

Will I Be Able to See After My Eyelid Lift? 

Yes, you will still be able to see after your surgery. However, it is normal for your vision to be a little blurry for a while after your surgery until the area heals. 

How Long Does Recovery Take?

Most people are able to return to work and normal activities after 10-14 days. Swelling and bruising will gradually go down and within a few months after your surgery, you can begin to see the results of your procedure. It may take around a year for the scar to fade.

Transform Your Face With Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery can be transformative for individuals who have drooping eyelids. To learn more about eyelid surgery in Beverly Hills, CA, you can get in touch with us for a consultation. At Kadz Plastic Surgery, we look forward to finding the right services for you. You can call us at (424) 404-5959 or fill out our online form