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5 Questions to Ask Your Surgeon During a Consultation

Posted March 20, 2017 in Body Procedures

Your body is unique, so shouldn’t your consultation be personalized to you? When receiving an initial consultation it’s natural to feel nervous, but you should expect nothing less than personal care and attention for your unique needs. From a review of your medical history, to suggestions for your particular body type, every stage of your consultation should put your mind at ease. In order to make sure that you are receiving the care and attention that you deserve, the American Board of Cosmetic surgery recommends asking these 5 questions:

Are you board certified in cosmetic surgery?

Not all cosmetic surgeons are created equal. There are many variations between surgeons in experience, technique, types of procedures and credentials. One of the most important questions you can ask is “Are you a board certified surgeon?” Thankfully, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons makes it easy to search for board certified surgeons in your area.

How frequently do you perform the procedure I want?

You wouldn’t have your ankle surgery performed by a dentist, so why would you have a cosmetic procedure performed by someone who is unfamiliar with the surgery you are considering. Cosmetic surgeries can vary significantly, so be sure that your chosen surgeon is a specialist in the exact procedure you want.

What type of anesthesia will I receive, and who will provide my anesthesia?

Just like most modern surgeries, many cosmetic procedures are made possible thanks to advancements in anesthesia. There are three main types: local, general, and regional. So what factors determine which will be used in your procedure?

• Type and length of the surgery
• Patient health
• Preference of the patient and physician

What will my recovery be like?

Before walking into the operating room it is crucial to receive detailed information on the recovery process following a surgery. You should be sure to ask your surgeon questions such as:

1. When can I return to work?
2. Is it safe for me to exercise?
3. When will I be able to resume my regularly routine?
All patients are cared for on an individual level. Each patient is handled on a case-by-case basis by our professional and friendly staff, as well as our board certified surgeons.

What will be the total cost of my procedure?

Pricing is an important variable in any purchase, but when it comes to cosmetic surgery, its crucial to know the bottom line price without any hidden fees or add-ons. Your cosmetic surgeon should be able to talk in detail with you about pricing and explain all the information relating to the cost of your procedure.

Looking to shop around? It’s always important to remember that you get what your pay for. When it comes to cosmetic procedures, it is always best to have it done right the first time, rather than paying again to fix a bad procedure. No matter where you live, you can check the average cost of many poplar procedures on the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery website.