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4 Ways to Get Rid of Stubborn Fat

Posted February 02, 2016 in General

4 Ways to Get Rid of Stubborn Fat

Stubborn fat – no matter what you do, it seems like it’s nearly impossible to get rid of. As you’re working towards your fitness and health goals, it’s easy to stay the course and remain motivated, but if your pudge won’t budge, you need to think outside the box. Of course we all know that diet and exercise are the best ways to burn fat, but what can you do when it isn’t enough? Try these 4 ways to get rid of stubborn fat:

Confuse Your Muscles
Some women are committed to a strict fitness routine, which is a healthy habit, but it might be working against you! Sometimes it is necessary to mix up your workout routine in order to confuse your muscles. Your body will adapt to your workouts after an extended period of time – so, if you want to burn that stubborn fat, it’s time to switch it up. Try mixing in some isometric exercises in order to work your muscled in new way.

Fasted Training
Diet and exercise are crucial components to fat loss; but as it turn outs, the time of day that you workout is also important. When you burn calories, your body is using one of two sources for energy: food or fat. So how can you ensure that your body is burning off stored fat? Try fasted cardio workouts. When you go to sleep at night, your body goes into a fasted state – therefore, a morning run can be just the thing you need to blast that stubborn fat away.

Drink More Water
Drinking water can work wonders for your waistline. First of all, when you drink more water, you drink less soda, alcohol, café lattes, and all the other drinks that are full of artificial ingredients and sugar. Making a simple switch to drinking water can cut hundreds of calories out of your diet. Once you make the switch to water, drink up! Hydration aids digestion and helps burn fat. Drinking water will boost your metabolism and keep you from overeating – it’s a simple switch, but it can make a huge difference.

Cosmetic Surgery
Where can you turn when eating right and working out aren’t giving you the results you deserve? Try cosmetic surgery. Safe and effective procedures have helped millions of women remove their stubborn fat. Plastic surgery has never been more popular than today! Procedures such a liposuction, cool sculpting, and the tummy tuck have helped women achieve the results that they have always dreamed of.

No matter what has held you back in the past, make a decision today to get rid of that stubborn fat! With these 4 tips, you’ll be saying good riddance to that the flab that has overstayed it’s welcome. Call us to schedule your consultation today – 1.888.886.1333.