Pregnancy, labor, breastfeeding, and everything that goes into raising a baby can be tough on the body. Our team at Kadz Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills, CA, offers the mommy makeover as a way to pamper the body and help restore its youthful glow.
What Is a Mommy Makeover Package?
A Way To Sculpt Your Post-Baby Body
If you’re tired of workouts and diets that just aren’t as effective as you’d like them to be, our team can help you contour your body, remove unwanted fat, and smooth out skin laxity. All these things combined are what make up our mommy makeover package.
First off we’ll do a consultation that will help us create your personalized plan. Once the consultation is done and the plan is complete, we’ll move on to treatment. This comprehensive approach helps us know what your goals are so we can tackle them together.
What Treatments Are Usually Included in a Mommy Makeover?
What’s really important is what you want out of your treatment, so your goals will play a significant role in determining what your treatment is going to look like. In general, we’ve found a combination of breast lift and augmentation, pubic contouring, and a tummy tuck is a great fit for many of the women looking to give their bodies some TLC.
We aren’t limited to those options, though! We can also add in either silicone or Gummy Bear implants for an additional fee.
The Benefits of Customization
What we love about a customizable plan is it ensures you’re happy with each step of the process. For instance, you may want to stick to a breast augmentation, or you may want to pair it with a lift.
Another example is if you don’t think you need one of the included treatments, you may be able to swap it out with a comparable alternative. In the end, you should have a treatment package you’re thrilled about, and that’s our whole goal.
The Perfect Candidate
If you’re a mom looking to take her body back in time, this transformative process could be the solution you’re looking for. During a consultation, we’ll go over your goals and determine together if this treatment will give you what you’re looking for.
The good news is we offer a vast range of treatment options, and we strive to find every one of our patients that perfect match.
Understanding the Different Parts of This Package
Breast Augmentation
This breast enhancement surgery can help women tackle both cosmetic and some medical concerns. It can help give your breasts a larger, fuller appearance, or can be used to match the size of one breast to the other.
Breast Symmetry and Breastfeeding
Many women naturally have one breast that’s larger than the other, but this natural condition can sometimes be exaggerated during breastfeeding. Many women know the struggles of trying to teach their baby to breastfeed, only to discover their baby has a preferred side. Due to supply and demand, the baby preferring one side to the other can enlarge their preferred breast.
This can make many women self-conscious, even to the point of not wanting to bring it up. We want to assure you that this is a very common concern, and if you’re ready for a solution other than padding one side of your bra, breast augmentation can help. One additional benefit of evening out breast sizes is it can help even out the weight put on your back and neck.
Women Who Have Lost Their Breasts
Sometimes breast enhancement has medical motivations, too. Some women who have battled breast cancer may have had to undergo either a lumpectomy or mastectomy. In the early stages, a lumpectomy may be effective when paired with radiation, but can still leave the treated breast uneven. Other women may have had no option other than a full mastectomy.
Whether you had to go through a lumpectomy or mastectomy, breast enhancement can help you regain some of what cancer took away from you.
Breast Lift
Even if you were previously happy with the shape of your breasts, they can, unfortunately, experience changes over time that affect their shape and firmness. Pregnancy and breastfeeding can be factors in this, as well as weight loss, skin laxity, and even just the wear of gravity.
If you’re pretty happy with the size of your breasts but just want to improve the firmness and shape, this is the treatment you’re looking for. If you want to increase breast volume, implants can also be inserted for the full makeover of having size, shape, and position improved.
How Does It Work?
Usually how a breast lift works is by tightening up key areas of surrounding tissue to contour the breast into your desired shape. Excess skin will be removed during this process as well. If there are additional areas of the breast that you’re self-conscious about, such as the areola, we can help with that too.
As you age you may have noticed your areola enlarging. If you’re unhappy with this change, we can alter its diameter.
Who Is a Good Candidate for a Breast Lift?
Women who want to improve the substance and firmness of their breasts are usually a good candidate for this treatment. Many patients who seek out a breast lift have their nipples pointing downwards and sometimes positioned below the breast crease.
This treatment is also known as a pubic lift, and it’s known for contouring the pubic area by removing excess skin or fatty tissue. If you find yourself with a protruding pubic area, this treatment can help define and improve the appearance of this area.
Tummy Tuck
Even when you adhere to a healthy diet and exercise program, the effects of pregnancy, genetics, or a declining metabolism can all contribute to abdominal skin and fat levels. A tummy tuck can help slim and tone your abdomen by removing this excess fat and skin.
On top of correcting a protruding abdomen, tummy tucks can also strengthen your abdominal muscles. This is an especially great perk for women who have seen their abdominal muscles weakened due to pregnancy or weight fluctuations.
Silicone Implants
As its name implies, a silicone breast implant is filled with silicone gel, which mimics the feel of natural breast tissue. They’re popular for a reason, it’s an excellent implant option for a wide variety of women. When you come in to visit us, you can let us know your goals and we’ll do our best to match you with an implant that will help you achieve them.
Gummy Bear Implants
We know it’s a funny name, but we promise these implants are not shaped like gummy bears! They got their name due to their texture; they have given, but are still firm and hold their shape excellently. The silicone gel inside gummy bear implants tends to be thicker than the filling in traditional silicone implants. As for the shape, they have a more tear-drop appearance and taper towards the top.
The right implant depends on your goals, including your desired breast shape and size. Each type of breast implant has different advantages, and we’d be happy to go over your options in detail during a consultation.
Ready for Your Makeover?
Everyone deserves some pampering, and if you want a treatment to help you regain your confidence in your body, we can help with that. We’re happy to answer any questions you have about any of the treatments included in our mommy makeover package. If you’re ready to reclaim your body, contact us at Kadz Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills, CA, today to set up a consultation!