At the office of Dr. Bruce Kadz in Beverly Hills, CA, we often hear clients complain that they look more tired, disinterested, sad, or older than they actually are. They wish they could regain their youthful aesthetic with a brow lift, but they are hesitant because they don’t know enough about the procedure. Today, we answer the most frequently asked questions we receive about this procedure.
14 FAQs About Brow Lifts Answered
1. What Is Involved in a Brow Lift?
The technique used to perform your brow lift will depend on the aesthetic you wish to achieve. During your initial consultation, Dr. Bruce Kadz will review your aesthetic goals to determine the best incision locations and techniques to meet those needs. He may perform an endoscopic, coronal, hairline, or Botox brow lift.
2. What Is Involved in an Endoscopic Lift of the Brows?
An endoscopic lift involves several tiny incisions expertly hidden behind your hairline. A cannula (long, thin tube) is inserted into one of these incisions. On its end, it has a light and tiny camera (endoscope) mounted. The video feed plays on a monitor and allows Dr. Kadz to see your underlying tissues.
Using an instrument inserted into a different incision, your forehead tissues will be lifted and anchored into a more youthful position. The two most common ways to achieve this are with small screws or sutures. To complete the procedure, incisions are stitched shut.
3. What Is Involved in a Coronal Lift?
To perform a coronal lift, Dr. Kadz will make an incision behind the hairline across your crown. This incision stretches from ear to ear. Your forehead is then lifted into its new position. The scalp behind the incision is overlapped by the scalp in front of the incision.
Dr. Kadz then removes the overlapping scalp. The remaining scalp is sewn together. This technique is ideal for clients who do not have thin hair, are not at high risk of developing androgenic alopecia and do not have a high hairline.
4. What Is Involved in a Hairline Lift?
To perform a hairline lift, Dr. Bruce Kadz makes an incision between the start of the hairline and top of the forehead. He will remove a bit of skin and other tissue from the top of your forehead instead of your scalp. This means your hairline will not be pulled back.
A hairline lift is most often used for clients who have a high receding hairline. It is also ideal for clients who are at risk of future hair loss or thin hair. This procedure usually takes an hour or two.
5. What Is Involved in a Botox Lift of the Brows?
A Botox lift of the brows lasts only a few minutes. It involves the injection of botulinum toxin A into strategic areas of the forehead to tighten the skin, effectively lifting the brows. This treatment may be performed using a topical numbing cream. However, the needle used is so fine that most of our clients don’t request a topical anesthetic.
6. What Anesthesia Is Used?
Using the endoscopic, coronal, or hairline techniques, you can expect to be put under general anesthesia. This means you will feel no pain or discomfort, and you will not be awake during your procedure. However, we will discuss the right form of anesthesia for your unique needs during your initial consultation.
7. What Is Involved in Preparing for the Procedure?
Regardless of the technique used, there are several steps you must take to prepare for the procedure. For instance, you must come in for a one-on-one consultation so Dr. Kadz can review your medical history. Be ready to answer questions about existing and prior medical conditions. We also need to know about any medications you have taken recently or are taking now.
Dr. Kadz also needs to know about any procedures you have had in the past and if you are allergic to certain medications, such as anesthesia. You will also discuss your expectations. To be a good candidate for this procedure, you must have realistic expectations about the results.
8. Will I Have a Physical Examination?
The only way to determine if this is the right anti-aging procedure for you is to understand your desired results and evaluate your facial structure. To determine the ideal technique, Dr. Kadz will measure different parts of your face with your eyes closed and open. He will also perform a visual inspection of the rest of your face.
9. What Should I Avoid Before the Procedure?
Before your procedure, it is absolutely crucial that you stop smoking. Depending on your blood pressure, you may need to stop anywhere from two to six weeks before your procedure. Similarly, you must not smoke for at least two to six weeks post-op. Keeping your blood pressure within a healthy range is essential.
Moreover, for two weeks before and after your procedure, you must avoid taking any aspirin, anti-inflammatory medications, and nutritional supplements that can thin your blood.
10. Will I Have to Spend the Night in a Hospital?
This procedure is performed on an outpatient basis at our state-of-the-art facility. Once the anesthesia has worn off, you are free to go home. However, you may not drive within 24 hours of being put under general anesthesia. You will need someone to drive you to and from your procedure. We recommend having someone stay with you for the first 24 hours post-op.
11. What Is Involved With Recovery?
After your procedure, your forehead is wrapped loosely to speed the recovery process. For the first several days post-op, you must rest with your head elevated by two to three pillows. Take all prescription medications exactly as instructed. Apply cold compresses to the area. Try to not raise your eyebrows and do not subject the area to excessive pressure.
12. How Long Do the Results of the Procedure Last?
The longevity of results from this procedure will last on a case-by-case basis based on several factors. On average, our clients enjoy the results of the procedure for 10 to 12 years. However, if it is performed at a younger age, results usually last around 15 years.
13. How Can I Extend the Results of the Procedure?
There are several things you can do to extend the results of your procedure. For instance, you can stop smoking permanently. High blood pressure means your circulatory system struggles to transport crucial nutrients and oxygen to your skin. This results in premature signs of aging, like sagging. Cigarettes also reduce collagen and elastin production.
Moreover, you should moisturize your face regularly and drink at least half a gallon of water per day. You’d be amazed by how much a little dehydration ages your skin. You may also benefit from chemical peels around the eyes to reduce fine wrinkles before they start sagging and cosmetic injectables to maintain your youthful appearance.
14. Am I a Good Candidate for a Brow Lift?
During your initial consultation, Dr. Kadz will evaluate your facial structure and review your aesthetic goals to determine if you are a good candidate for this procedure. The best candidate for this procedure is disturbed by low eyebrows, asymmetrical eyebrow positions, severe forehead wrinkles, or droopy upper eyelids that may include excess skin.
Moreover, the best candidate for this procedure is in decent overall health. Healthy lungs and a strong heart are necessary to be put under general anesthesia safely. Moreover, if you are on blood thinners and can’t come off of them before your procedure, you are not a good candidate for this procedure. In general, we also look for clients who don’t smoke.
Discover How to Achieve Your Ideal Aesthetic Today
Are you ready to shave years off your face? Are you ready to look happier and better rested than you have in years? Do you suffer from eyebrow asymmetry? If so, a brow lift may be able to help. To learn more, contact us at the office of Dr. Bruce Kadz in Beverly Hills, CA today to schedule your initial consultation. We are more than happy to answer any further questions you have about this procedure.