Feeling anxious about the way you look is part of the human condition. Advertisers and marketers know how much anxiety a person feels when they think that their body or face does not match what society considers to be normal or attractive. It’s natural to want your appearance to be attractive to others. It’s natural to want to be happy with what you see looking at yourself in the mirror. Many people in Beverly Hills and elsewhere who are not happy with the shape or size of their nose have opted to turn to rhinoplasty as a way of addressing the anxiety that they feel about their appearance.
The truth is that across the United States and around the world, people are investing money and time in remaking their bodies and their faces. The American Society of Plastic Surgery said that in 2014 alone, more than 15.6 million cosmetic procedures were performed. Each one of these procedures allowed a person to improve their appearance, recapture their youth, and boost their self-esteem. These procedures made it possible for a person to shed undesirable physical traits, or these procedures made it possible for them to hold back the hands of time and hold onto their youth for just a little bit longer.
When a person has a nose job done, they are looking at their plastic surgeon as a sculptor. They want their nose to be reshaped in a way that looks natural, artful, and in no way artificial. Having a nose job done means trusting the individual doing the procedure. Your nose is in the center of your face. It is the second thing that people look at when they examine your face. People make decisions about you based on the shape, size, and position of your nose.
You have to trust that your plastic surgeon is going to leave you looking better after the procedure than you looked before. The only thing that is worse than having a crooked nose is one that looks disfigured. Society can accept minor defects in a person’s appearance that are within the range of normal. However, they look at disfigurement with revulsion.
There are a couple of ways that you can build the trust you will need with your plastic surgeon before you have your nose job. First, sit down and talk with them. Take the time to learn about the educational background of the surgeon who is going to do your procedure. You should never feel afraid to ask questions about the surgeon, their education, or jobs that they have done in the past. Take the time to look through the catalog of nose jobs that your surgeon has done. Look for individuals who share some of your features or characteristics. Ask yourself, what do I think about the results that this surgeon has had? The results that your surgeon has had in the past are indicative of the results they are going to have in the future working on your nose.
In addition to getting to know your surgeon, take the time to get to know their staff. You are going to be interacting with the staff just as much as you are going to interact with the surgeon. Look at how the staff and surgeon interact.
When you see that there is a friendly and trusting environment, you can have a sense of ease knowing that your procedure is being performed by a competent individual who has what it takes to put those around them at ease. You should feel comfortable reaching out to your surgeon whenever you have questions about your procedure. Remember, you are hiring them. You are trusting them with your appearance. You are allowing them to make changes that will affect you for the rest of your life, so you deserve to feel comfortable.
How the Nose Has Been Viewed Through the Centuries
It is not surprising that rhinoplasty surgeries have become as popular as they are today. Mankind has been fascinated with the size and shape of other people’s noses for centuries. People have made assumptions about other people’s character and their place in society based on the appearance of their nose. For more than 2,000 years, surgery has been used to change the shape and size of people’s noses.
In the 16th century, the syphilis epidemic was spreading throughout Europe. One of the negative side effects of syphilis is that it attacks the soft-tissue, causing it to decay. When a person was seen with damaged tissue around their nose, even if it was caused by a different source, they carried the social stigma of disease and infection. At that time, surgeons came up with an array of treatments designed to recreate the nose. Most of these treatments involved skin grafting used in a way to create something that resembled a new nose.
Even when disease was not a factor, people have long been interested in changing the shape of their nose because of the social statements that certain types of noses brought with them. In the 19th century, there was a pseudoscience that held the idea that you could tell a lot about a person’s worth and their character by looking at their nose. The idea was that if a person had a straight nose, they were refined, whereas if the person had a nose that looked another way that was considered less than normal, they were of questionable character.
In the late 19th century, nose jobs and other forms of plastic surgery started to gain in popularity in the United States. As people were moving here from different parts of the world, they were doing whatever they could to rid themselves of socially undesirable features, including a large nose. They wanted to assimilate into society by ridding themselves of markers that identified them as being foreign.
The 20th century brought with it some of the largest wars mankind has ever seen. The result was that soldiers often found themselves missing appendages, including their nose. There was only so much that cosmetic reconstruction could do at the start of the 20th century. Most of the cosmetic surgery in those days involved making a mold out of tin or other material that could be worn as a mask to replace the lost nose of injured men.
By the third decade of the 20th century, there was an increase in the desire of people wanting to exchange money for beauty. They wanted to have the nose that they saw politicians, actors, and actresses have. This is when the nose job really cemented itself as a plastic surgical procedure of choice in the United States.
Over the centuries, a person’s nose has been linked to their cultural and historical beliefs on beauty. Because of its position on the face, it is a powerful symbol. When the nose is damaged because of war, illness, or as a result of violence, it has a negative impact on a person’s self-image and the way they are viewed in society. All of this underscores just how powerful rhinoplasty surgery has been and continues to be.
Am I a Good Candidate for Rhinoplasty?
In recent decades, rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills has been used by many to change the shape of their nose. Some have done this for aesthetic purposes. Others do it for functional reasons because they want to improve their breathing.
Getting a nose job is the second most popular cosmetic procedure in the United States, and for good reason. During the surgery, the patient’s nose may be enlarged or the size of the nose may be reduced. The bridge of the nose may be reshaped, or the tip of the nose may be adjusted. Some people will come in and have a revision job because they were not pleased with the way the job was performed the first time.
You may be a good candidate for this procedure if your nose makes you feel self-conscious or if it makes you feel unhappy. You may be a good candidate for this procedure if you feel frustrated with changes to your nose that have taken place as you have gotten older.
In addition to having the physical requirements for the procedure, you also need to have the emotional requirements. As we have discussed, there are a lot of emotional and cultural sentiments attached to the appearance of one’s nose. To get the best out of this procedure, you have to go into it having a realistic expectation for what the surgery can do for you. You have to want a surgical procedure that’s going to make you look better, but at the same time you must realize that there is no such thing as the perfect nose. No one ever walks out of surgery after having their nose done with a 100-percent perfect nose.
It is important that you are happy with who you are right now and do not expect that getting a nose job is going to significantly change your life. You should want to have this surgical procedure done for you and not because you’re trying to impress someone or because you have been pressured by someone to get it done.
Age is another factor that should be considered. You do not want to have this procedure done while your nose is still growing. For most people, their nose stops growing when they are in their mid-teenage years. While it may be possible for someone in their late teens to have this procedure done, it would be highly unlikely for someone to have it done earlier than that.
To be a good candidate for this procedure, you need to understand what it entails and need to prepare yourself for the procedure accordingly. For example, this is a surgical procedure. You will need to take time off of work and will need to recover. The results from the procedure will not be seen immediately. It can take multiple months before the full results are seen.
Before your surgery, our surgeon is going to talk to you about any medical conditions or allergies that you may have. They are going to discuss the medications you are taking, supplements you may be using, and any other health issues that could impact the end outcome of the surgery. Rhinoplasty is going to have the best results if you are healthy. This means that in the months leading up to and in the months following your procedure, you will need to quit smoking. If you have the habit of abusing alcohol, this will need to change as well.
What Can Be Fixed with Rhinoplasty?
This surgical procedure can be used to fix the size of your nose. This is one of the most common complaints that we hear. A person may feel that their nose is disproportionate to their facial structure. They may feel that their nose is too big or too small or there’s something else about it that makes it stand out. The goal of a nose job is to adjust the size of the nose so that it is in balance with the face and blends into the surrounding facial features.
The angle of a person’s nose can be fixed as well. If the angle between a person’s forehead and their nose is sharp, it may give the appearance that the nose is short. If the angle a shallow, this has the effect of extending the appearance of the nose, making it look long. There is also the relation between the nose and the upper lip that can affect the appearance of the nose. All of these things can be addressed during rhinoplasty surgery.
Do you feel uncomfortable with the appearance of your nose? Would you be interested in learning about how rhinoplasty can help you look and feel your best? If so, reach out to us at Kadz Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills. Let us sit down with you and listen to your concerns. We can create a plan designed to help you get the nose you have always wanted. Contact us today to book your appointment!