Do you sometimes struggle to feel comfortable in your own skin? If so, you’re not alone. Most Americans aren’t happy with their appearance because they would like to look slimmer. At Kadz Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills, CA, Dr. Bruce Kadz regularly performs liposuction to help patients achieve their ideal body shape. Read on to find out whether you could be a good candidate for this treatment.
Who Is a Good Candidate for Liposuction?
Lipoplasty is a type of plastic surgery that involves removing excess fat tissue from the patient’s body. It is designed to help people who have tried dieting, exercising, and leading a healthy lifestyle for a while, and who have seen real results but find they are not able to cross the finish line with some stubborn areas. It’s also a great choice for those who are struggling to maintain their ideal body shape due to genetic or age-related factors.
Patients have to be in good health to take part because this treatment involves local or general anesthesia. During the initial consultation, we always talk to people about their cosmetic concerns and goals to make sure they have realistic expectations. We also check that they understand what the recovery process is like. Lipoplasty provides patients with excellent results, but only if they stick to the aftercare instructions.
You’ve Lost a Lot of Weight
After following a strict diet and exercise routine for several months, patients expect excellent results. They want to get rid of their excess fat tissue and achieve a slim body shape. Unfortunately, this isn’t always what happens. Many people struggle with pockets of fat that don’t respond well to holistic weight loss measures. Although they’ve done everything right, they aren’t seeing the results they’ve worked hard for.
Lipoplasty is the perfect solution for these people. The treatment is only suitable for those who are close to or have already achieved their target weight. It isn’t meant to replace a healthy diet and exercise routine. Instead, it complements positive lifestyle decisions by removing those stubborn tissues that can’t be addressed without surgery.
You’ve Noticed Changes Related to the Aging Process
If you’ve been slim all your life, you might be shocked to notice that you’ve put on several pounds in the last few years. People often find losing weight much harder once they’re in their 40s or 50s because the body’s metabolism starts to slow down at that age. They might no longer look as fit and healthy as before, even though they’re still leading a healthy lifestyle.
Don’t hesitate to come to the clinic if you can’t shift your weight. We can assess your treatment area and determine whether lipoplasty makes sense. As long as you are within 30% of your ideal weight, you’re likely to be a good candidate.
You’re Struggling with Post-Baby Weight
Another common issue is that many women are no longer able to achieve their pre-pregnancy bodies after giving birth. They might struggle to get rid of the excess weight they’ve put on. Lipoplasty is often a key component of the Mommy Makeover: a comprehensive treatment designed to address the unique issues mothers face.
You’re in Good General Health
Before booking your lipoplasty appointment, we have to check that you’re in good general health. This treatment is surgical, so you can’t take part if you have a serious heart disease or another life-threatening disease. If you’re currently being treated for a health condition, speak to your primary physician about lipoplasty. They can assess whether it’s safe for you to take part.
If you’re a smoker, you have to quit at least one month before the surgery because it could otherwise be unsafe for you. Let us know if you have an addiction or if you drink heavily because this could interfere with your recovery process.
You Have Realistic Expectations
As mentioned, lipoplasty isn’t a weight loss measure. We can’t remove dozens of pounds from your body at once because this would be unsafe. Most patients are around two to five pounds lighter after the operation. However, they look completely different because the fat tissues that were causing their cosmetic concerns have been removed.
We’ll speak to you about the expected results during your initial consultation. Lipoplasty works best on areas of the body where the skin is firm. If you have a lot of loose skin, you might benefit from a different type of surgery like a tummy tuck.
You Understand the Requirements
Because lipoplasty is an invasive procedure, you have to closely follow the pre and post-treatment requirements. They might include pausing blood-thinning drugs and supplements, performing certain exercises, and eating the right kinds of foods.
Liposuction is an extremely successful surgery, but it only works well if patients take good care of their bodies and maintain a stable weight afterward. Those who gain a lot of weight in the months or years after their operation might need to come back to the clinic because their results have disappeared.
You Have Time to Recover
Most patients have to stay away from work for five to seven days, but those whose jobs involve physical activity can’t return for at least four to six weeks. Performing strenuous exercise right after the operation could cause problems with the recovery process and put the patient’s health at risk.
Before booking a lipoplasty appointment, we always check that patients understand these guidelines and that they’re able to comply. The operation isn’t suitable for those who can’t take any time off work or those who have small children and aren’t able to get help with childcare.
What Is Lipoplasty Like?
Lipoplasty can be targeted to the patient’s individual needs, so every appointment is slightly different. Usually, patients spend several hours at the clinic because they first have to wait for the local or general anesthetic to start working. Dr. Kadz then makes a small incision at the treatment site and inserts a suction tube. This is attached to a vacuum machine, which loosens the fat and sucks it out.
The process takes one to three hours, depending on the area of the body and the amount of fat that is removed. After the operation, patients are taken to a recovery room. Most people can go home on the same day, but they have to be accompanied by someone else because they’re not yet able to drive safely.
What Areas of the Body Can Be Treated?
Unlike most other types of plastic surgery, lipoplasty is very versatile, and it can be performed on almost every area of the body. Some popular spots are the stomach, back, thighs, upper arms, and buttocks. However, we can also remove fat from the chin, knees, and neck.
How Long Do the Results Last?
Most patients experience permanent results after lipoplasty. This is because the fat cells that caused the problem were removed from the body during surgery. Adults don’t usually grow new fat cells because the number is set during adolescence. However, it’s important to remember that other areas of the body can change, and more surgery might be necessary if the patient doesn’t maintain their ideal body weight.
Sometimes, patients’ results deteriorate several decades after their first lipoplasty, even if they’ve led healthy lives. This is because the aging process makes it more difficult for patients to maintain a consistent weight.
Can I Combine Lipo with Other Treatments?
Although some patients have a very specific cosmetic concern that can be addressed by lipoplasty alone, many others require several types of plastic surgery to achieve the desired results. That’s why we offer various packages. The “Bikini Body” includes a breast lift or augmentation as well as lipoplasty in two areas of the body. The “Hourglass Figure” consists of the tummy tuck, two areas of lipoplasty, and muscle tightening.
The “Brazilian Body Package” is suitable for people who would like a complete transformation. It includes a breast augmentation or breast lift, a tummy tuck, pubic contouring, and two areas of liposuction with Fat Transfer. If you’ve recently had children, the Mommy Makeover might be right for you. It’s a customizable treatment that specifically addresses the cosmetic concerns of women after childbirth.
Achieve Your Desired Body Shape Now
If you’ve tried dieting and exercising for a while and you’re not seeing the desired results, you might benefit from liposuction. Contrary to popular opinion, this procedure isn’t designed for people who are severely overweight. Instead, it aims to remove the tissues that can’t be addressed with holistic measures. Send us a message at Kadz Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills, CA to schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Bruce Kadz.