Did you know that roughly 70% of women across the globe are unsatisfied or feel self-conscious about the appearance of their breasts? To be sure, breasts are a defining secondary sex characteristic biologically speaking, but many people place a lot of importance on the size, shape, fullness, or overall symmetry of the breasts. Luckily, with the help of Dr. Bruce Kadz in Beverly Hills, CA, you can use breast augmentation surgery to achieve your optimal appearance goals.
Breast augmentation is a term that refers to a procedure that alters the shape or size of the breasts by using implants. Breast implants are a common plastic surgery procedure that can alter the superficial appearance and feel of the breasts. Women who are not satisfied with their breast appearance may use this procedure to correct perceived flaws or boost their self-esteem.
Does Breast Augmentation Look Natural?
One of the biggest questions patients have about this procedure is whether or not the results of the treatment will appear natural. The techniques used to perform breast augmentation have significantly improved over the last few decades, so now more than ever, the results of your treatment will appear very natural. There are several factors that will ensure your breast implants look as natural as possible, including:
Implant Type
Today, there are three common types of implants – saline, silicone, and gummy bear implants. Between these types, silicone implants and gummy bear implants are the best mimics for the natural weight and texture of breast tissue. Both of these implant types are made with silicone gels, but gummy bear implants are more “form-stable” since their gel is a bit more firm than traditional silicone. Dr. Kadz can help you choose the implant type that is best for your desired results.
Implant Size and Shape
The size and shape of your implants will be a big part of what determines whether or not your augmentation produces natural-looking results. As a general rule, you should aim for implants with a size that matches the natural balance of your body, which means bigger implants aren’t always necessarily better. It’s best to judge the best size for your implants based on your body shape rather than the desired cup size.
Similarly, the shape of your implant will define how natural your breasts will look. While the type of implant will determine the behavior of the implant (such as how much the implant shifts when you are lying down versus standing up), the general shape will set the tone for your new breast appearance. Teardrop-shaped implants have the most natural shape since the volume is fuller on the bottom, but this implant shape may not be appropriate for all women, so round implants may be a better choice.
Implant Spacing
You might not think about it at first, but the space between your breasts can determine whether or not the results of your augmentation procedure will look natural. Every woman’s natural breasts have a natural gap in the middle of the chest just over the sternum, usually two to three inches wide. Women who have larger gaps tend to have more obvious cleavage, while women who have naturally wide gaps may have skin tenting.
You will need to decide what optimal implant spacing will look like for you. Dr. Kadz will work with your anatomy to place your breast implants in a natural-looking position. This will require spacing your implants based on the width of your chest wall, the width of your breast bone, and the shape of your torso.
Implant Position
When you seek breast augmentation, one of the many decisions you will have to make about your procedure is the placement of the implant. Specifically, you will need to decide whether you want your implant positioned under the muscle or over the muscle. The positioning of the implant will determine how natural the implant looks, feels, and behaves. As a general rule, under-the-muscle implants tend to have the most natural-looking results, but only breasts of a certain size can use this technique to achieve desired results.
Overall, yes, your breast augmentation procedure can produce natural-looking results. There are several factors you and Dr. Kadz will need to discuss to ensure that you can achieve natural-looking results, including the implant type, position, spacing, size, and shape. Your anatomy and body composition will help you make the best selections so your results can look natural.
Goals of Augmentation
Breast augmentation procedures have been a trusted way to improve a woman’s overall appearance for several decades. But the goal of augmentation isn’t only to improve the size and shape of the breasts, although for many this is a primary goal. There are several motivations women may have for undergoing this procedure, including:
Women who have small breasts, sagging breasts, or breasts with imperfect breast tissue may feel self-conscious about their appearance. Although 56% of partners are satisfied with the appearance of a woman’s breasts, that doesn’t negate the fact that the woman herself may not be happy with her appearance. Women who want to feel more confident, more beautiful, or have an easier time wearing certain clothing may choose to have this procedure.
Balance Figure
This procedure can also be used to balance your figure. For decades now, having an hourglass figure has been a goal for many women, but the fact of the matter is that genetics may not always be on your side when it comes to your body shape. Some women are naturally curvier on their bottom half than their top half. Augmentation can balance your figure by increasing breast fullness and balancing your body measurements.
Regain Bust
Women who have had breast cancer or mastectomies to remove breast tissue often use augmentation to regain their bustline. Restoring breast tissue and appearance is important for many breast cancer survivors. This is also true for women who have had a preemptive mastectomy because breast cancer runs in their family, as well as women who have lost breast tissue due to injury or other diseases.
Correct Asymmetry
Finally, augmentation can help women correct any asymmetry of the breasts. Nobody is perfectly symmetrical, so many women may have a breast that is noticeably larger or more highly positioned than another breast. While asymmetry is perfectly natural, it can also be a source of self-consciousness so women who want to correct asymmetry often use augmentation.
Who Are Good Candidates?
Most women who want to improve the appearance of their breasts for any reason are good potential candidates for this treatment. Potential candidates should be adult women who are in good health. Qualifying for this surgery may mean you need to complete certain labs and exams, such as a mammogram, breast exam, or other bloodwork. The medical evaluation for this procedure will ensure you are healthy enough to withstand general anesthesia.
Candidates for this procedure are also evaluated at a consultation with Dr. Kadz, who will examine your breasts and talk about your concerns. Dr. Kadz will go over all of your treatment options so you can achieve your desired natural-looking results, including other breast procedures that may suit your needs better, such as a breast lift.
What Can You Expect From Treatment?
An augmentation procedure will usually take about one to two hours to complete. Although augmentation is considered major surgery, you will be able to leave the hospital relatively soon after your procedure is finished. After your procedure, you will have an immediate recovery of three to five days and you will likely need to take at least two weeks off from work so you can have enough time for initial healing. It may take six to eight weeks to fully heal from this procedure.
During your recovery time, you will have several care instructions to follow. For example, you will be encouraged to sleep on your back or slightly elevated and you will need to wear a surgical bra or compression garment to encourage healing. You will also be given instructions on how to care for incision sites and when you should have follow-up appointments with Dr. Kadz.
Feel More Confident Today
Many women feel self-conscious about the appearance of their breasts, but the good news is that breast augmentation is a tried-and-true procedure that can correct many concerns. Even more impressively, augmentation with a skilled surgeon can produce natural-looking results. Get in touch with Dr. Bruce Kadz in Beverly Hills, CA to schedule your consultation today.