Tummy tucks offer a drastic change in the appearance of your abdomen that many people simply can’t achieve through diet and exercise. Unfortunately, even the rising popularity of non-invasive body contouring procedures can’t deliver the tight skin and silhouette that tummy tuck surgery can.
Patients seeking dramatic results will benefit from seeing the best tummy tuck surgeon in Beverly Hills, Dr. Kadz. Dr. Kadz restores the toned, slim shape to your abdomen that may have disappeared with age, pregnancy, fluctuations in weight, or genetics.
The desire to have a sculpted, flat stomach stands the test of time. So if you’re ready to pursue a tummy tuck in Beverly Hills, read on to learn everything you need to know about this popular procedure.
What Is a Tummy Tuck?
The medical term for a tummy tuck is an abdominoplasty. The procedure targets three main abdominal issues: excess skin, fat, and a separation between the abdominal muscles.
A tummy tuck is the only way for many patients to get rid of excess loose, sagging skin and stretch marks. In addition, patients pursue tummy tucks most frequently after pregnancy or weight loss, as both stretch the abdominal tissue until it can’t restore its original shape.
There Are Different Types of Tummy Tucks
If you’re interested in reshaping your abdomen through abdominoplasty, you should know that not all tummy tucks are the same.
A mini-abdominoplasty targets the skin that hangs around the belly button. It removes excess skin and fat from this abdominal section and reduces bulges between the navel and the pubic area. This type of tummy tuck does not include the repair of the abdominal muscles.
The traditional tummy tuck is the most common form of abdominoplasty. In a traditional tummy tuck, Dr. Kadz repairs the abdominal muscles that may have separated or stretched during pregnancy and removes excess skin and tissue from the abdomen. Traditional tummy tucks often include liposuction as well.
In an extended abdominoplasty, patients see the most dramatic results. Dr. Kadz removes excess skin and tissue from the abdomen, hips, thighs, and back. He also repairs and tones the back, flanks, and stomach muscles.
By tightening the muscles and skin in the abdominal area, Dr. Kadz can cinch your waist, giving you more shape.
What Does a Tummy Tuck Accomplish?
A tummy tuck offers a complete makeover of your abdominal region. The procedure can accomplish the following:
- Fat removal
- Excess skin removal
- Skin tightening
- Muscle tightening
- Stretch mark removal in the treatment area
- New shape to the waist
- Flatter stomach
In addition to these benefits, many patients also experience a stronger core and better posture after their tummy tuck surgery.
Mothers most commonly pursue a tummy tuck after having children. Additionally, men and women often seek a tummy tuck after losing substantial weight, resulting in excess skin and separated stomach muscles.
Preparing for a Tummy Tuck
Once you’ve decided you want a tummy tuck, your first step is a consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Kadz. This consultation will determine whether you’re a candidate for a tummy tuck, which type of surgery will help you reach your goals, and what you can expect from your procedure.
After the consultation, you may need a medical clearance appointment to ensure you’re healthy enough for the procedure and an anesthesia plan.
What to Expect from a Tummy Tuck
Most traditional tummy tuck procedures take between two and three hours to complete. As a first step in the surgery, Dr. Kadz will make an incision across your bikini line. If you have a C-section scar, he may reopen that scar for your tummy tuck incision.
Next, he will lift your skin away from the underlying muscles and stitch the muscles together, restoring their strength and tightness. After repairing your muscles, Dr. Kadz will pull your skin tighter, removing the excess. Finally, the skin above the belly button will be pulled down to cover the upper and lower abdomen.
Dr. Kadz will also address any excess fat, removing it just like in a traditional liposuction procedure. He will reposition your belly button and will then place drains in your stomach to remove excess fluid as you heal. The drains allow your newly placed skin to adhere to the muscle securely.
Tummy tucks are often outpatient procedures. Many patients return home after a few hours in postoperative recovery.
The drains placed during surgery remain in your abdomen for about one week before being removed at a follow-up appointment. Most patients need about two weeks to recover before returning to work. About five weeks after surgery, you can resume all of your normal activities, depending on your recovery progress.
Who Is a Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?
While tummy tucks are most commonly performed on women in their 40s and 50s, the procedure is rising in popularity among men. The key factors determining eligibility for a tummy tuck are excess skin and separation in the abdominal muscles.
Despite common misconceptions, the ideal candidate for a tummy tuck is close to their goal weight. A tummy tuck is not a weight-loss procedure.
Patients who want to reduce excess fat throughout their bodies benefit more from lap band or gastric bypass surgery. Some patients benefit more from a traditional liposuction procedure or body contouring instead of a tummy tuck.
Anyone seeking a tummy tuck in Beverly Hills, CA, can achieve optimal results from working with Dr. Kadz at Kadz Plastic Surgery. As the best tummy tuck surgeon in Beverly Hills, Dr. Kadz strives to bring patients the smooth, tight abdomens they never thought they’d see.
Are you wondering if a tummy tuck is the right solution for you? Call or book an appointment online with Kadz Plastic Surgery today.