When most people think of Beverly Hills, CA, they think of movie stars, the Oscars, and beautiful people everywhere. While this isn’t far from the truth, most beautiful people get some assistance in maintaining their looks.
Many in Beverly Hills turn to strict diet and exercise programs, dermatologists, and plastic surgeons for qualified assistance. And they’re not just looking for any procedure; they want the expert help of the top plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills.
Others seeking plastic surgery in Beverly Hills may look for help reconstructing their bodies after a trauma, pregnancy, or surgery to remove a defect.
Whatever the reason, choosing a plastic surgeon should be a process that involves lots of research. The results you receive from any procedure will likely last a long time, if not the rest of your life. When you turn your body over to a doctor for plastic surgery, you’ll want to know that you’re in good hands.
How to Choose a Top Plastic Surgeon in Beverly Hills
Before you begin your research to find a plastic surgeon, you’ll need to understand what you want to achieve. For example, if you’re seeking a flatter stomach, you may want to consider a tummy tuck or liposuction. Others may be looking for thinner arms or a younger-looking face.
The results you desire will be your first step toward determining who you want to be your plastic surgeon.
Not all plastic surgeons perform the same procedures. Some may have expertise in liposuction, while others may specialize in facelifts. When looking for a plastic surgeon, keep the below important factors in mind.
Level of Expertise
First and foremost, you want to ensure your plastic surgeon knows how to perform the procedure you want. If the doctor doesn’t advertise the procedure, they most likely don’t offer it as a service. The plastic surgeon you select should also be fully certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.
Plastic surgeons must undergo years of training and education before they are granted certification. Thus, if they have a certification under their belt, you’ll know that they have received significant training in the medical skills associated with plastic surgery in Beverly Hills.
Experience with the Procedure
The second consideration you’ll want to make involves the level of experience that the doctor has in performing the procedure. See if they are up-to-date with the most current techniques and technologies.
You can do this by researching the procedure itself and learning about the current techniques that are authorized by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Once you know what they are, you can ask your potential plastic surgeon if they offer the techniques or use older standards.
While many plastic surgeons offer a number of procedures, you want to make sure that they regularly perform the procedure that you wish to have done. You can do this by asking the surgeon how often they perform it and how long they have done so.
Ask to See Sample Results
Finally, ask the plastic surgeon for pictures of the results they have obtained for their patients through plastic surgery in Beverly Hills. Almost all plastic surgeons keep pictures of before and after photos of their patients. Ask to see them. The team at Kadz Plastic Surgery will be proud to show you the results we’ve obtained for our clients.
Depending on the procedure, you may want to see pictures taken several months or even a year after it was initially performed. Plastic surgery generally requires some time for the body to fully heal and for the results to shine through.
Choosing a Top Surgeon in Beverly Hills
Experience and results aren’t everything. You also want to make sure that you feel comfortable with the surgeon of your choice. Most doctors are willing to give you a free consultation so that they can assess what your needs are and you can learn more about their experience.
Take advantage of free consultations. While they may be time-consuming, you want to make sure that you are thorough in your research before deciding on your surgeon. Ideally, they should be a match for you in terms of experience and expertise and also make you feel comfortable during the consultation experience.
Whenever you attend a consultation, make the most of your time by bringing a prepared list of questions for the plastic surgeon to answer. This ensures that you don’t forget about any questions. It also shows the surgeon you’re truly interested in the procedure. Thus, they’ll be more likely to spend time addressing your concerns.
Another factor to look out for is the cleanliness of the facilities. Plastic surgery is a serious medical procedure, and you want to ensure that the office space is kept tidy and the surgical area is organized. Proper biohazard procedures should be followed, and the surgeon and their staff should be wearing appropriate medical attire.
If the office appears run-down or shabby, it could be a sign that the medical practice doesn’t emphasize cleanliness. While the office doesn’t need to look like the reception area of a five-star hotel, it shouldn’t be falling apart, either.
Are You Looking for a Top Surgeon in Beverly Hills?
Kadz Plastic Surgery, located in Beverly Hills, CA, is home to Bruce B. Kadz, MD, FACS. He is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons.
We offer a variety of solutions for those seeking to improve their appearance. Contact us today to learn more about our services.