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Plastic Surgeons in Beverly Hills Address Common Myths About Plastic Surgery

When it comes to enhancing your appearance, plastic surgery is a powerful tool. However, there are a lot of misconceptions about the procedures and processes plastic surgery entails. One of the top plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills is here to dispel these myths once and for all. 

Dr. Bruce Kadz

Dr. Bruce Kadz practices from his clinic, Kadz Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills. He is a board-certified plastic surgeon who is passionate about honesty and integrity with his patients. 

Dr. Kadz aims to make sure every patient is educated about plastic surgery before they undergo any procedure. He encourages patients to make informed decisions for themselves. 

He wants to debunk some of the most common myths about plastic surgery, as there is a lot of misinformation in circulation, and it can be hard to know what is true. 

Myth #1: Only Rich People Can Afford Plastic Surgery

There is a common misconception that only very rich patients can afford plastic surgery. 

While there are plenty of celebrities in the media who have extensive work done, in reality, the average person can have access to plastic surgery as well.

Most plastic surgery centers offer payment plans and financing options. You can pay off your procedures over time without worrying about going deep into debt. Everyone deserves to look and feel their best.

Myth #2: Plastic Surgery Makes You Vain

Many people support the notion that people who have plastic surgery are conceited. Fans of plastic surgery allegedly only care about their appearance, spending all day looking in the mirror. 

Plastic surgery has much more to do with confidence than it does with looks. For some patients, feeling self-conscious about a crooked nose or excess skin around the midsection can impact their relationships and how they carry themselves. Working with a plastic surgeon to enhance their appearance can help them to regain the confidence that they’ve lost. 

Myth #3: Plastic Surgery Results Look Fake

A lot of patients are afraid of walking away from a plastic surgery procedure with overly noticeable changes. This fear is especially true for breast augmentation and facial procedures. 

The truth is most plastic surgeons perform procedures that look natural. Many patients want to retain their looks with a few subtle enhancements, and plastic surgeons work with their patients to determine the most natural-looking ways to meet specific aesthetic goals. 

Of course, everyone has different aesthetic goals. If you want to make drastic changes to your appearance, you can discuss this with your plastic surgeon. 

Kadz Plastic Surgery

Dr. Kadz specializes in many different types of plastic surgery. He is one of the best plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills, known particularly for his “Mommy Makeover” procedures.

Dr. Kadz puts his patients first. He is available to inform you, help you feel more comfortable with plastic surgery, and give you the facts about his procedures.

Book a consultation with Kadz Plastic Surgery today to discuss your questions about plastic surgery.

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